Currently Loving #2 April 2024

The days are long, the weeks are short, but here we are to almost May! So much has happened this month — mainly, going back to school (and teaching) after Spring Break, a cross country tip to visit schools, a family medical situation, more work, more rain, more running, more forgetfulness. Not sure what happened, but the month went WOOSH by. Now, I am getting ready to plan for summer, go BACK to the west coast for a marathon, finish up the school year, and all the other normal busy end of the year obligations. So apologies for the sporadic posts, I am committed to being more consistent going forward. And here is what I am currently loving:


1. Flowers in NYC


Nothing beats the flowers in the city in Springtime. My favorite thing is to look at the difference stages of all the tulips along Park Avenue, the various magnolia, cherry trees, the violets, the pansies, all the bright colors and smells. LOVE.

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An Atlas of Es Delvin

This past weekend, I finally had the chance to stop by the Cooper Hewitt Museum  to see the exhibition of “An Atlas of Es Delvin” and WOW it was incredible. So intrigued, I came home to spend the rest of the afternoon watching a documentary on Es Delvin and looking through all her art work. I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend going to the museum to see this exhibit, or if not in NYC, to look through Es Delvin’s work (and watch the video on her) to see what it is all about — absolutely inspiring. Es Delvin is a British stage designer that starts with all her projects first on pen and paper, then models, and then unimaginable set designs.


Cooper Hewitt is located on 90th street and 5th avenue in Manhattan. It costs 19 dollars for an adult and free for 18 and under. WORTH IT.

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Statue of Liberty

This week, we celebrated the end of the school year with my daughter’s friends by taking a special trip to the Statue of Liberty. My mother in law is on the board of Ellis Island, so she helped organize a special VIP treatment with guide and tour. It was a lovely afternoon and the girls will remember it for the rest of their lives — as will I. If you have not gone to the Statue of Liberty — I highly recommend. Especially at the end of the day when it is not crowded.


We took the girls out of school 45 minutes early so that we could go downtown and catch a ferry to give us time to explore Liberty Island.

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Sarah Sze: Timelapse

Thanks to a college friend (the head curator of Storm King), I was invited on a private tour of the new exhibit at the Guggenheim: Sarah Sze Timelapse. It was a wonderful hour spent listening to the head curator of the exhibit, Kyung An, and learning SO much (apparently I am the last one to know about Sarah Sze!!!!) It is an interesting exhibit but made incredibly worthwhile with the descriptions and explanations of each work and the thought process behind it.


It starts at the bottom of the rotunda and then restarts on the 6th floor (there is another exhibit in between — but Sarah Sze is the main feature).

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Flaco the Owl

As many people have, I too, have become totally enthralled and obsessed with the story of Flaco the Owl. For those of you who do not know Flaco, Flaco is an owl that escaped a month ago from Central Park Zoo. After eluding many different rescue attempts, Flaco now lives in Central Park freely and most likely will continue to live a free life away from the zoo. Flaco escaped the zoo on February 2nd, once its enclosure was vandalized. Flaco has lived in captivity at the zoo since 2010, and everyone has been worried if Flaco would be able to survive alone in the wild. But sure enough, Flaco is not only surviving, but thriving in the city. There was an incredible story in the NYTimes  “Everyone Loves Flaco the Escaped Owl. But Why, Exactly?” and I highly suggest reading it — maybe you, too, will become interested in finding and spotting Flaco!


This past weekend, we went searching for Flaco — almost the whole day Sunday.

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Mad in Brooklyn – Hat Making Class

On Wednesday this past week, a friend organized a hat making class in Brooklyn through Mad in Brooklyn.  It was a full day of hat making, crafting, and learning all about hat making. It was an incredible experience and I loved every minute of making my hat. To top it off (get it)., I love the hat that I made. So it was a win win day and experience.


To make the experience even better there were tacos, tortilla chips, AND margaritas. That alone, made it fun.

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Beat the Bomb

Beat the Bomb – an immersive group experience! I have heard amazing reports about this interactive activity, which is a mixture of an escape room and a video game, so I signed up and took some kids to have some fun. Absolutely everyone had a blast and it was the perfect rainy indoor day activity. Located in DUMBO in Brooklyn, Beat the Bomb is a privately owned company that started five years ago. It was first built for adults, for group bonding activities and fun, but after the pandemic, they realized that kids were wizards at ipads. So now, it is 50% adults, and 50% kids.


When you get to the space, you have to put on a hazmat suit. Blurry photo, but gives you an idea of what the suit looks like.

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Spring 2022 To Do Wish List

Although we are in already a week in to May, NYC has not been very warm or Spring like….better weather to come, here is what I am hoping to do this Spring (both in the city and in general).


1. Drive In Movie Theater in Brooklyn


I am dying to try out this Brooklyn Drive In Movie Theater where you not only watch the movie, but you have beautiful views of the city. Right now they are showing Clueless.


2. Visit The Whitney Biennial


I must go! I must go! I must!


3. Overall Spring Cleaning


I love Spring Cleaning – a fresh start to clean and purge and tidy everything.


4. See The Basquiat Exhibit


I love Basquiat and cannot wait to see this special exhibit.


5. Finish my Dr. Dre Needlepoint


Dr. Dre needlepoint — loving this creation but ready to move on to something new!


6. Enjoy a Show At The Forest Hills Stadium


Live music!


7. Devour Pizza


A newly opened Pizza restaurant in the Lower East Side, yes please!


8. Play MiniGolf in Williamsburg


A great family activity — mini golf in Brooklyn! It reopens May 16th!


9. Glamp on Governors Island


One of my favorite adventures was glamping on Governors Island — different, unique, picturesque, and fun. A must do at least once in your life!


10. Roam on Pier 57 Rooftop


A new rooftop park to explore — sign me up!



What are you looking forward to doing, exploring, engaging in this Spring? Do share!


Glamping on Governors Island

In celebration of my 5th grade son’s last day of school, we went to Governors Island with some of his besties and their moms. Governors Island has always been one of my favorite places — an easy afternoon IN the city, but OUT of the city. It is an 172 acre island in the heart of New York Harbor, located only 800 yards from Lower Manhattan. In recent years, we have visited dozens of times but have only been there for a couple of hours each time. Basically, there is not much to do but walk, scoot, look, eat, and hang out (but what else do you really need?) This time around, I thought ahead and booked us for an overnight stay, glamping at Collective Retreats.


Private boat to Collective Retreats (The company / hotel where we glamped). The complimentary water taxi runs from 430 pm to 10 pm, which is crucial since the public ferry stops service at 6 pm. The water taxi only holds up to 6 people, so it was just us on the ride. They made it a scenic ride and took us to the Statue of Liberty and other spectacular views of the city.

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Mark’s Off Madison

If you know me well, you know that Fred’s at Barney’s was my go-to restaurant for 11 plus years. It is where we had every Sunday dinner, multiple meals throughout the week, and even many special occasions such as Marathon parties, birthday parties, and special moments. It was our kitchen. We knew the entire wait staff and loved everything about it — it felt like home. So we were extremely sad when Barney’s shut down PRE Covid. It felt like we lost a part of our family and didn’t know what other restaurants to go to. Sure enough, a month later, the music died, and all restaurants were shut down to Covid…..but here we are, back in NYC, restaurants are reopened (currently only outdoor dining) and the chef from Fred’s, opened up his own restaurant “Mark’s Off Madison.” It is located downtown on 26th street and Madison, with Mark as the chef, and many of the same wait staff as at Fred’s. It felt like going home — we were so happy to see so many of the same waiters and think often of the others that we don’t know their whereabouts (Lorraine, Aggie, Jose, Gian Franco, and so many more — we miss you and hope you are all safe and healthy). Fred’s was a special place to us and so going to Mark’s Off Madison felt special, too.


It is NOT warm. Right now, in NYC, there is only outdoor dining, but that didn’t stop us from trying and seeing our old friends.

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March To Do List

I am usually bad at fulfilling any of my “to-do” lists or goals for the certain season, but for whatever reason, I accomplaished a lot of the goals I set out for myself in February and March.  So I give myself a pat on the back and now want to set some new ones as I head into the third month of the year. Obviously top goal: not get corona virus or get quarantined somewhere…..but here are a couple of my less important goals / to do list for the next several weeks.


1. See Matthew Broderick and SJP in Plaza Suite


How can I miss this? Must get tickets soooooon — anyone want to come?

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The Vessel at Hudson Yards

Last weekend, we played tourists in our own city, and decided to visit “The Vessel” at Hudson Yards. After many years of construction and 200 million dollars, this new landmark and public structure opened up last week. Located outside Hudson Yards — a development of retail stores, office space, apartments — this structure is quite the site. It looks like a pineapple, or a honeycomb, and is the newest Instagram hotspot for all.


Pineapple. Shining and shimmering in its brand new splendor.

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My Go-To Sandwich

Every week, I find myself at the counter of Epicerie Bouloud to pick up my favorite sandwich in the world. Aside from cucumbers and granola (my other go-to foods), I could eat this sandwich EVERY MEAL OF EVERY DAY and be happy as a clam. Not only does it remind me of Paris, but it satisfies all my taste buds — butter, ham, cheese, bread — THANK YOU, GOD.


BIG! You can split this….or you can eat it all for yourself! (Like I do!)

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Domino Park – Tacocina

Yesterday, we went on a little adventure to Domino Park in Williamsburg (in Brooklyn). This new park opened in June and was created in the ruins of the Domino Sugar Factory. Designed by the same firm as The High Line (James Corner Field Operations), this water front six acre green space is a terrific new addition to the city. Although we froze our bottoms off, it was great fun to run around, breathe fresh air, and look at the views of our incredibly beautiful city. I can’t wait to come back on a sunny Spring Day (which will not happen for half a year….)


These cranes previously occupied the site remain, and have been painted in the park’s signature turquoise.

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Sunny with an A

As I get older, my network of awesome and talented women keeps expanding (one of the many upsides of getting older).  One of my newest mom friends, Sana, happens to be nice, smart, sweet, inclusive, open, interesting, beautiful, and inspiring. And not only is Sana a great person, but she is also the founder of kid’s pajama company, Sunny with an A.  I recently bought a pair for Tusia, and she literally will not take them off — they are amazingly soft, perfectly thought out, and super colorful. Take a look at the interview below, and thank you, Sana! (And mom, it may be time to start doing kids!)



Sunny, indeed.

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More / Shape Women’s Half Marathon

This past weekend, I laced up my running shoes and ran my first half marathon in two years. Yes, I have run a lot of marathons since 2014, but a half marathon is totally different….and it hasn’t helped that I’ve been nursing an injury for the last 6 months (GROAN). But I did it. And in a fast time for me! And it was all part of a great event celebrating women. Enjoy the pics!


Post race, the little girl deserves the medal.

Post race, the little girl deserves the medal.

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Brunch at Sadelle’s

One of our favorite Sunday family activities is to go downtown for early family brunch — no traffic, easy parking, and it makes us feel young, hip, and in the know (wishful thinking).  Even with a 6 and 3 year old in tow -> #HipstersEatBrunchAt9. Yesterday, we drove down to Soho to Sadelle’s, a new hip restaurant/Jewish deli run by Major Food Group (the people behind Dirty French, Carbonne and Parm) and ate ourselves silly. Highly recommend — the food, experience, service, ambiance — 5 stars from this family!


Beautiful flowers sprinkled throughout the room. At night, there are lots of candles (says a good friend of mine).

Beautiful flowers sprinkled throughout the room. At night, there are lots of candles (says a good friend of mine).

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NYC Sunday Brunch: The Standard Grill

Although it currently feels like Spring in New York, Christmastime is in the air!; bells, fir trees, red, green, tourists,  presents, ribbons, gingerbread, candy canes. We had a terrific Sunday morning last weekend, and I highly recommend recreating it for some family fun.


Anything with these two is fun and festive....except when they are poking each other, in each other's faces, whining, complaining, crying, and hitting. #TheJoy

Anything with these two is fun and festive….except when they are poking each other’s faces, whining, complaining, crying, and hitting. #TheJoy

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Whole Foods Brooklyn

I have an obsession with grocery stores. I love maneuvering through big crowds, window shopping, watching them prepare foods, you name it. Call me a wacko, but I love it. And so does, Ali Berlin, Contributing Editor of the blog (obviously one reason we are friends is because we share interests in grocery stores.) Thanks, Ali, for spiriting this post. AMAZING!


Dec 17, 2013 was a monumental day in Brooklyn because the first ever Whole Foods market opened in Gowanus, on the corner of 3rd and 3rd.  It’s been ten years in the making and people are overjoyed that it finally happened.

brick by brick

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Four & Twenty Blackbirds

Even with Thanksgiving behind us, there is no such thing as TOO much pie! Especially pie from Four & Twenty Blackbirds. Located in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn (439 3rd Avenue), this pie shop was founded in 2010 by sisters and pie makers Melissa and Emily Elsen. And my oh my, do they know how to bake! So scrumptious and delicious. So many choices to choose form.


Outside the pie shop with old school gothic lettering.

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Mu Mu Muesli

As a sucker for all granola, I am also obsessed with muesli. Although very similar, they are not the same thing. Both granola and muesli contain oats, fruits and nuts, but muesli is raw, whereas granola is baked. People enjoy muesli like they do granola (served with milk, sprinkled over yogurt, drowned in kefir) or they soak it overnight (in milk or yogurt) to create a cool, porridge-like consistency. Both of my parents (foreign born) eat muesli almost every morning (except for Saturdays when Papa Proskurowski makes his famous omelet) so I have been around different forms of muesli all my life. And Mu Mu Muesli, my friends, is one of the best. The best.


mu mu

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Candy Store

I am a health freak as I love my gym, nature, fresh air, chia seeds, coconut, and vegan concoctions. And yet, I am a sucker for candy, too. I KNOW, right? Hard to believe, but I love it. I hoard Halloween candy all year because I love the shiny wrappers and the delicious, chocolatey, oh-so-sweet treats inside. Drooling now. And it is so cliche, but a candy store to me, is well, like one big candy store. I can’t just look, and I want to taste everything — it all looks delicious and I NEED. EVERYTHING. THEN. AND. NOW. SHAKE. SHAKE. CONVULSIONS.


Picturesque Sockerbit in the West Village of NYC.

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NYC Fall 2013 To Do List

Back into the swing of things….so here is my current Top 10 NYC Fall to-do-list! So many different options and adventures to experience this fall. Check it out.

Tata and Toosh -- although it is not FULL ON FALL, the leaves *are* starting to fall, and before you know it, all the leaves will be off the trees....

Tata and Toosh — although it is not FULL ON FALL, the leaves *are* starting to fall, and before you know it, all the leaves will be off the trees….

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