Currently Loving August 2024 Part 2

Fall is around the corner, but still trying to soak up every inch of sunshine and moment of summer. Here is what I am currently loving Part DEUX of August 2024. And please share with me what you are loving too — I always love hearing what people are loving at the moment.


1. Tru Fru


HOLY CRAP THESE ARE ADDICTING. The best little bit of sweetness and dessert. We love them in both dark and milk chocolate — but especially the milk chocolate raspberries. You must get. To die for. Frozen raspberries coated in white chocolate and then milk.


2. Rafting


We went rafting down the McKenzie River with our friend, McKenzie (who during his college years was a raft guide therefore, the best friend to have), and it was so much fun. Nothing like an afternoon on the river. Such beauty and nature all around. Only problem was that I got cold at the end of the day and couldn’t get warm. Lots of rapids, lots of water splashing all around.


3. Peach Bake Off


We went peach picking one day, and then had a bake off that same afternoon. We each baked something different — Cruzzie made peach cobbler (the best), I made peach galette, and Tusia made crumb peach bars. All were delicious.


4. Skies


Here is the sky right outside our house one morning when I was walking the dog. It was beautiful. In general, I love looking at the skies and the clouds, but especially in Oregon, they tend to be dramatic and breathtaking.


5. Our beloved nanny, Annie


Annie, our nanny, has been with our family for almost 15 years. She went back to NYC this past weekend to have some vacation and time to herself. It is not lost on me how lucky we are to have her in our lives. She is a part of our family and we each love her so very much. This was our last walk together — Cruzzie will not see her before he goes to boarding school, and so he will not see her until Thanksgiving — the longest he has ever been away from her. Truly thankful for Annie — we love her oh so much.


6.  Dutch Braids


I know how to do dutch braids on myself, but this is only the second time time I have ever done them on Tusia. That said, I think that they look great and I love the look of them.


7. Orange Irises 


Orange irises. How beautiful are these??? In my neighbors yard and every time I pass them, I can’t help but commenting on their beauty. So unique and different.


8. Pink Basket


My most recent basket — I love the pink touches. I have made 8 of these little baskets this summer — each time I get a little better, that said, I can’t figure out how to make them bigger!!! Hopefully soon, because right now, I have too many mini baskets.



So there you have it! What I am loving in this second half of August. Hope you are enjoying these long sunny days. THE BEST.

Currently Loving – Menorca Edition

So much to love on the island of Menorca! Here is what I loved on Menorca during our two week stay. (And if you are thinking about visiting Menorca –DO IT!)


1. Beaches


So many different types of beaches! I loved them all. Rustic, small, popular, chaotic, lounge chairs — every style, I loved.

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Paris Dogs

The first day we arrived in Paris, Tusia and I noticed that there were so many dogs walking around. The dogs and their owners looked SO more chic than the dogs of NYC (or the States in general), so we decided to document them and it was so fun! Take a look at these photos — not only are the dogs so cute (and the owners and their style, too) but the background and scenes of Paris, OH MY, I love.


Heels to walk the dog, love it.

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Currently Loving Paris Edition

Went on a quick 3 day trip to Paris last week to celebrate Tusia’s 12th birthday and there are so many highlights from the trip! Here is what I loved from Paris last week (and will always love)


1. The Random Street Art


is there anything more beautiful than art all over the streets of Paris? I could spend days just looking at the walls along the streets!

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Currently Loving #2 April 2024

The days are long, the weeks are short, but here we are to almost May! So much has happened this month — mainly, going back to school (and teaching) after Spring Break, a cross country tip to visit schools, a family medical situation, more work, more rain, more running, more forgetfulness. Not sure what happened, but the month went WOOSH by. Now, I am getting ready to plan for summer, go BACK to the west coast for a marathon, finish up the school year, and all the other normal busy end of the year obligations. So apologies for the sporadic posts, I am committed to being more consistent going forward. And here is what I am currently loving:


1. Flowers in NYC


Nothing beats the flowers in the city in Springtime. My favorite thing is to look at the difference stages of all the tulips along Park Avenue, the various magnolia, cherry trees, the violets, the pansies, all the bright colors and smells. LOVE.

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Currently Loving March 2024

And here we are! March! This is what I am currently loving (of course also longer days, more sunlight, sparkling water, hot showers, etc)…


1.  Hot Cocoa from Glace


A TikTok trend of Smores hot cocoa at a cute (and small) boutique on Madison Avenue. Worth it! VERY VERY sweet but so fun and different (especially on a cold, snowy day, like we treated ourselves to these on).

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Currently Loving February 2024

January was a long year….and now we are at the shortest month, but it’s still winter (which I don’t love) but this is what I AM loving!


1. H Mart Haul


H Mart is a Koren grocery store that has every kind of Asian food that you want. Last weekend, we went there as an activity, and there was so much to look at and buy, we could have all stayed there for HOURS! This was some of our goodies that we picked up. Chocopie — HUGE hit with Cruzzie. His favorite — and now I need to go back and get more for him.

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Currently Loving January 2024

ANOTHER YEAR, another Currently Loving post! And so here we are! Here is what I am loving:


1. No.6 Store Socks


My forever style muse sent me an email to get these socks — and whatever she tells me to get, I do! (She used to have her own style newsletter and I wish she still had it!!!). These socks are fun (not necessarily warm for NYC winters, but cute and stylish) and I can’t wait to wear them!


2. Cityscape Needlepoint Project

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Currently Loving November 2023

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THANKSGIVING IS PRACTICALLY HERE? I have no idea how that happened. Literally, the other day, I was convinced it was September (maybe I am losing my mind a little). A lot has been happening on my end — I accepted a job to teach again, applying my son to high schools, dealing with the insanity and sadness of the antisemitism in the world, and just trying to balance everything else out! It has been an adjustment (and I haven’t even started full time yet!)….so here is what I am loving this month.

1. Christie’s Auction Sale


Did you know that during the auction sales, anyone can go to the auction house (for free!) and see all the art work? I stopped by this past week for 30 minutes and it was glorious — just a quick runby to see all the work (and they have the prices on them, which is FASCINATING!). I loved this Frida Kahlo painting that she did of her sister….

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Currently Loving October 2023

There is a lot of sadness and heartache in the world right now — it is all so hard to hear and read. So here is what I am currently loving right now.


1. Pumpkin Banana Pudding


I know it sounds weird — but it might have been the most amazing and delicious thing I have ever eaten. HIGHLY recommend. It tasted like pumpkin cheesecake and was so rich and decadent, and I finished the whole thing (over the period of a couple of days).

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Currently Loving September 2023

Here is what I am loving this month! And as always, please email / text / call / message me with everything and anything you love — I truly love hearing the little snippets of joy that you enjoy, too!


1. Manet x Degas Exhibition at The Met


One of the beauties of NYC is the access to all the museums. As I walk by the Met every single day to get to my daughter’s school, I became a member, and love popping in just for a quick look. On Thursday, on a whim, I stopped by the newly opened “Manet x Degas” — there was no line (I went an hour before closing) and IT WAS AMAZING. I loved every single thing about the exhibition and learned so much! I had no idea that Manet and Degas were friends and the similarities and differences between the two. I stayed for an hour, and will go back to soak it all in again. I highly recommend. And great to go when no line!

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Currently Loving August 2023

I realize that August is practically over, but wanted to squeeze in with some of the things I love right now!


1. Taylor Swift Maroon


can NOT stop. This is one of my absolute favorite songs right now. Must listen to. Taylor did not perform this at her concert, but because I have been on a deep Taylor Swift dive, I am listening and loving them all.


2.  Nike

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Currently Loving July 2023

…and just like that, we are almost to August. Of course, when it comes close to August, I start panicking about the end of summer. Summer is BY FAR my favorite season — the weather, the freedom, the travel, I love it all. And August is like a BIG ‘OL SUNDAY…..So, trying to focus on the present moment, here is what I am currently loving!


1. Crochet Top


Crochet is definitely having a moment this summer, and I love this top. It is great over bathing suits, or on a hike 🙂 I love it so much.

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Currently Loving June 2023 #1

HOLY CRAP IT IS JUNE AND I AM IN DISBELIEF AND SO BEHIND IN EVERYTHING WITH LIFE. Including blog posts. Apologies, here I am! It is one thing after another and next week, I have to take my dog to Oregon and the week after, I leave NYC for the summer. Gulp. Lots to do. So without further ado, here is what I am currently loving!


1. Emmy Squared Pizza


Detroit style pizza — crusty, scrumptious, cheesy, and ever so delicious. Highly recommend.


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Currently Loving May 2023 #1

May in NYC started off gray and rainy, but over the weekend, the weather improved and it is GLORIOUS outside. Nothing better than NYC in the sunshine (without humidity) and not overly hot (very rare). I am loving a lot this month, so broke up this one post into two — so stay tuned for later in the week for the second portion of everything I am loving this month!.


1. Amber Waves Farm


Amber Waves Farm. A friend who is heavily involved in a Hamptons Farm, Amber Farms, had people over to her house for food, cocktails, and a tulip making class with tulips grown locally at the Amber Waves Farm. It was incredibly informative (I learned so much) and also so much fun. And the flowers — holy smokes, so gorgeous.

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Currently Loving April 2023

I feel like we just got back from Spring Break, and now it is almost May. How does that happen? Literally time flies after the last school break and wooooooshhhh almost summer. Here is what I am currently loving this month.


1. Poems in Central Park


I love walking and strolling around Central Park on a beautiful weekend day and seeing so many different sights, people, performers, sounds. There is SOOOO much to look at. You don’t need to go to a Broadway show!!! Last weekend, I especially liked this woman who was writing poems for people. “Custom Poems on Demand.”

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Currently Loving Spring Break 23 Edition

OOPS. My kids had spring break for two weeks, and apparently I decided to not ever be on my computer, and not do the blog. Apologies! I brought the computer with me on all the travels, but WOOPS, didn’t write. So here I am. Back in NYC,  kids back to school, and now back to the blog! Here is what I loved over Spring Break and am currently loving!


1. Hello Beautiful


Best book I have read in a long time. Loved every minute and hated the fact that I read it so fast because then it meant it was over. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

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Currently Loving Early February 2023

Here we are, already a week plus a couple in the second month of the year. How does time fly by so quickly? Before you know it, it will be spring break and then school is over and then POOF summer. Here is what I am currently loving this month.


1. NY Times article: Future Cringe


One of my favorite articles in 2023 — a must read if you haven’t seen it already!

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Currently Loving January 2023

January is always the longest month. It feels like February is right around the corner, but it actually isn’t — it still is weeks away! Here is what I am loving this month!


1. Anything Pendleton-pattern-esque


I love everything Pendleton. I’ve had the blue coat since Cruzzie was in my belly (13 years ago) and it is a coat that I imagine I will have as long as I am alive. And I keep adding to my collection…now the dog has one (if only she liked it — she hates clothes).

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Currently Loving December 2022

Here we are — December! Cross that out — MID DECEMBER! Here is what I am loving!


1. The Old Man and The Pool


I went to this in early December and it was SOO funny. I loved the 75 minute one man show and highly recommend anything that Mike Birbiglia does. In this production, it was about aging, and it could not have been more relevant or in tune with life. LOVED it.


2. Rat Ornament

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Currently Loving Early November 2022

Yesterday, I wrote that the date was November 2021. I can’t believe that it is not 2021, and in fact, it is almost 2023! Here is what I am loving right now in Early November.


1.  Zara Marine Jeans (for kids)


These jeans are the cutest and I wish they had them in adults sizes. They are Tusia’s first jeans (ever) and she loves them just as much as I do (which is never the case).

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Currently Loving October 2022

Here we are in October! Fall in New York….here is what I am currently loving (and please send me what you are loving, too! I love to hear!)


1. Flash Flowers by Lewis Miller Design


Walking home from drop off yesterday and I saw this beautiful flower flash installation by Lewis Miller Design — always so beautiful.

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