Currently Loving February 2025

February has been an insanely busy month. On top of the normal parts of life, I have also traveled to California, Montana, and Florida. Yes, lots of times on planes, but of course, all worth it. Here is what I have loved this month.


1. Family Time


We went to California to present with my uncle his story on the Holocaust to the Thacher School. It was an incredible assembly and experience, and I was so happy to have been a part of this special event. And yes, Cruzzie’s jeans are gigantic.


2. Erewhon Hailey Bieber Shake


While we were in CA, we stopped in at Erewhon, which is the most incredible health food store I have ever been to. Had I not had a carry on, I would have bought everything to bring back to NYC. In particular, this smoothie was delicious. Worth the hype.


3. The Getty


Despite rainy and cold weather, we went to The Getty to kill time before our red eye that night. We loved looking at the views, the art collection, and just being there. Highly recommend. And did you know it was free?


4. Governors Island


In between all the travel, the family went to Governor’s Island to see the Ice Sculpture competition. Although it was fun to see the ice sculpture, it was even more fun just to walk around the island, even in the cold weather.


5. Bedazzling


Bedazzling!!! The new fun hobby! It takes a lot of patience and time — you have to glue every single one of the pieces of glitter (!), but look how fun and cool my AirPods look. Thank you, Tusia!


6. Blockus


This has always been one of my favorite board games — but I always seem to lose the pieces (not good!). We just bought a new set, so here we are playing it. Love this game!


7. The Motherload


I devoured this book in two days (which says a lot because these days I am a very bad reader). Dark, raw, vulnerable — loved this book.



What are you loving this month? Do share! I hope you have a great week.

Achilles NYC

If you are a long time reader, you know that I have run two marathons with Achilles Interntational — an organization that transforms the lives of people with disabilities through athletic programs and social connection. The marathon experiences guiding my blind athlete, Eddie, have been absolutely incredible.


My first time running the NYC Marathon as an Achilles Guide was back in November 2018. It was an unforgettable experience.

Even back then, I had the habit of taking selfies of my coffee before the marathon. Love how things never change.

That year, Eddie ran a 3:36 — which was an incredible feat for him! I was so happy that day!

We ran again together in 2022 — it was a very very very very difficult marathon.

It was extremely hot that day and Eddie ended up fainting at mile 26. ALL THAT SAID, Achilles is the most incredible organization and I believe in it and its athletes 100 percent.

This was before he fainted.

Mid faint


Why am I telling you about Achilles now? 2 plus years later? Because we decided that it would be a great community even for 12 year old Tusia to get involved with. So after watching videos, passing all these different tests, and forms, we completed our first workout on Saturday morning.


We ran 2 miles with Andrew in Central Park. Andrew was INCREDIBLE. Such a brilliant, calm, patient, soothing blind athlete, who helped Tusia learn how to use the toggle and how to speak with him when he ran.

We are so excited to be involved with this organization and look forward to many more Saturday runs together.

And yes, Tusia was the youngest volunteer by far, and yes I have to be present for all the workouts, but I cannot wait. Such an incredible organization and I love being a part of it — with and without Tusia.


Hope you have a great week!


Comedy Cellar

This past Friday, instead of going out to dinner, I went to Comedy Cellar with a friend (Ken and Tusia were skiing for the weekend). Not only was it fun to mix things up — instead of a typical Friday just going to dinner with other couples or friends, but doing an activity. Always love an activity — especially when it is a super fun activity like STAND UP COMEDY. Can it get any better or more fun? We LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED and omg, I want to go back as soon as I can. It was that much fun.


Comedy Cellar — the best place for comedy. It was my first time going, but definitely not my last!


There are a bajillion shows per day — and on this Friday night, we attended the 6:45 pm show (there were 3 shows AFTER this one!). You must reserve in advance on line (it sells out quickly) and the cost is 2 drinks minimum. We showed up in the rain hungry, so we went to Artichoke Pizza and ate a slice of pizza at the counter — another fun highlight. (When was the last time that happened? Loved it)

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Alex Talks AI

Over winter break, I spent the day with some of Ken’s classmates from Stanford Business School. Not only was it fun, but also super informative. One of the friends, Alex, left her job in technology, and is building a company on teaching AI to those who don’t know how to use it (like ME!). She has been giving workshops on “Time-Saving AI Solutions for Busy Moms,” and as a clueless, busy mom, I decided to host a workshop.


Alex, our friend and fearless AI leader.

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Currently Loving January 2025

Last week of January — longest month EVER!!!! — it (always) feels like it lasts a full year instead of just a month. Especially this year. Here is what I am loving this month!


1.  The Let Them Theory


I am currently listening to this as an audio book — and I love it so much. Every part of it — and it feels like Mel Robbins is speaking to you as a friend. HIGHLY highly recommend reading it — but even more, listening to it.

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Sleeping Bag Suit

It is so cold in NYC that it is hard to go outside. But that makes life VERY hard, because city living requires you to go outside at all times. ESPECIALLY when you have a dog that needs to be walked. And even MORE so for the people who are avid dog park lovers. (I have a dog, I love my dog, I don’t go to dog parks). But one of my besties goes to Central Park with all her dog friends EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. of EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So as a gift, I got her a sleeping bag suit — so that she would be warm and cozy on even the coldest of cold days. Not sure if she loves the present, but I LOVE it for her.


Not my friend, but isn’t it so cute?

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Amazon Socks

I know that this is weird, but I discovered the best socks on Amazon, and I need to share them with you. 10 socks for less than 25 dollars. Not only is the price amazing (some times socks cost 25 dollars per PAIR!!! This is 10 pairs for 25 dollars!!!), but the socks themselves are the perfect sock. The colors, the fit, the comfort, the appropriate thickness — they check every box. Every time I reach for a pair of socks in my (unorganized) sock bin, I hope to grab one of these pairs. They are hands down the best socks.


Technically, they are men’s socks, but they are a perfect fit for men and women! I love the Fall color scheme of them, too.

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Old Stone Trade Sweaters

My favorite sweater this season is the most INCREDIBLY warm, thick, luscious layer that I have been wearing it NON STOP. Literally, the moment I wake up to walk the dog, I put it on top of my workout clothes, under my jacket, and start my day off like that. Then, I wear it all day long over any other sweater.  (It has been VERY VERY VERY cold in NYC recently…)


SO THICK and warm.

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Luna Luna + Din Tai Fung

At the VERY start of break (yes, I am very behind on all posts and catch ups), we went to one of our favorite dumplings spots, Din Tai Fung, and also to a fun immersive art experience, Luna Luna. I highly suggest going to both — for taste, color, experience!


Luna Luna


Lots of color — and super cool to learn about everything. (It was VERY cold and we stayed in our coats the entire time)

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Fun NYC Activities Dec 2024

Just a couple of days left until Winter Break…and we have squeezed in so many fun activities in the city. If you happen to be in NYC in the next couple of weeks, highly suggest doing the following:


1. The Rockettes


Is there anything more beautiful than Radio City Hall?

Tusia’s bestie performed at the start of the Rockettes, which gave us an excuse to buy tickets and go see the Rockettes. Always puts you in the holiday spirit! And her bestie ROCKED it. Future rockette!

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Thai Diner

Always on a hunt for an adventure and a new restaurant, I read about Thai Diner and knew it was somewhere I needed to try. So I dragged the family there this past weekend — and loved every minute. HIGHLY recommend if you are in the city! Or if you come to visit — loved it. A mixture of diner food and Thai food — lots of flavor, spice, and deliciousness. It opens at 10 am, we got there at 11:45 am and had a 45 minute wait, but. we roamed the streets of Soho, so didn’t feel like a wait. There was a line around the block for 2 hours when we left. 2 HOURS!!!!


Located in Nolita on Mott street — across the street from my favorite (but no longer there) retail store, Warm, RIP). Easy to get to from our place on the subway.

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Food Eating Tour

In our jammed pack time out west, we had our annual Food Eating Tour. Last year, we did San Francisco with Avital tours, but this year, our hostess picked the East Bay with a different company, Edible Excursions. It is now becoming an annual activity — to eat EVEN more after Thanksgiving meal — and I love it oh so much. I absolutely loved our tour this year — our guide was incredible (Rebecca), the food ridiculously delicious, and we experienced new cuisine together as a family — which I really loved. Highly, highly recommend.


Edible Excursions has been around for 20 years! Check them out if you are in the Bay Area!

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Zen Scalp Studio

WHO KNEW THAT YOU NEEDED TO GET A SCALP TREATMENT? Our dearest friend, Katie, told us about it (she drove from Sonoma down to Burlingame for this treatment), and so we added it to our itinerary of activities for Thanksgiving break. Tusia is obsessed with her scalp — probably in an unhealthy way — so she was dying for this treatment and so excited to try it out. I had never heard of this treatment before, and love trying new things — so it was for sure worth it. Zen Scalp Studio.


Totally random — but apparently all the rage. First, they look at your scalp with a camera so they can assess your scalp and its needs. It almost made me gag because it was so gross — like SO GROSS — but I went through with it nonetheless.

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Glass Blowing

Over Thanksgiving break, we went on our annual trip to Northern California (well, we go to Northern California a lot more than once a year, but we have done it the past three Thanksgivings…). It was a nonstop fun filled weekend, not just with food, but with tons of activities. Hands down, one of the highlights was glass blowing. I mean, what is more fun than creating a holiday ornament! A BIG shout out to our hosts (sister from another mister) for organizing every single activity and finding all these fun experiences for us to do together — love doing life (and / or glass blowing) together.


It was a drive from where we were staying — but well worth it. Located on Mare Island, it is a random studio, but has everything you need to blow glass!

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Currently Loving November 2024

This morning when I was walking the dog, I was in disbelief that there were Christmas lights on so many of the stores along Madison Avenue….but then I realized, we are 2/3 done with November and it is almost December….how did this happen? In any case, Christmas light season here we are. And here is what I am currently loving.


1. Bonbon Candies


When I went to visit Cruzzie, I thought it would be nice to bring him and his friends something from NYC to CA. It had to be compact, easy to travel with, and something everything would like — which turns out to be candy. Bonbon candy. It was a huge hit and worth lugging it across the country.

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Oat Bakery

During my California visit to see Cruzzie at Thacher, I also had the chance to spend a couple days with a beloved friend who moved to Montecito. Not only do I love my friend dearly, but I also love Montecito. It is the most picturesque, paradise, perfect place. This visit, a new bakery, Oat Bakery, opened up at The Montecito Country Mart and OAT MY GOD, (I love puns but can’t take credit for this one — it is from their website) it is so amazing. We went to get a little croissant / baguette / sweetness deliciousness, and three minutes after we left, I went BACK to get more.


The cutest bakery – The Oat Bakery.

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Turtle Conservancy

Last weekend, I had the privilege of going to see my son at boarding school in Ojai, California. Although I had been there three weeks before to attend Family Weekend, I wanted another chance to just go see Cruzzie and his friends, and be with him for a relaxed weekend. It was an absolute incredible time — not just because I spent precious time with my boy, but also because I stayed in a secret gem hotel, the Turtle Conservancy.


The entry way.

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Eva Masaki Sunglasses

There is nothing more awkward than me taking a selfie, but here it is! Me and a selfie wearing sunglasses. I recently discovered Eva Masaki sunglasses and I love (that said, my daughter hates them on me and is not a fan). They are a statement, but sometimes, it is fun to change things up and have a different look, and these are definitely different than my normal sunglasses I wear.


Awkward photo. Cute glasses.

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Jelly Shoes

Yes, I realize that this is a trend of the summer and we are now in November (but, hello it is in the 70s this week in NYC!), but when one of your most stylish friends tells you about her favorite shoe — you buy it. I would buy everything and anything she tells me to. And this time around — a pair of jelly shoes from AMAZON! Yep, AMAZON. Done, done, done.


Plastic jelly, so super comfortable. And fun to wear!

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Marathon Signs

One of my favorite days of the year in NYC is Marathon Day. There is an electric feel everywhere you go — so many people with smiles, cheering people on for accomplishing something they dreamed of doing, an inexplainable excitement. Truly a magical day in the city. The second best thing to RUNNING the marathon, is cheering all the runners on. Since this year, I ran the Chicago Marathon and have been dealing with a nagging injury (I can barely run right now, which is devastating, but resting it is the best thing for it), I opted out of running the NYC marathon, and instead cheered everyone on. And what a glorious day it was! With Tusia and two of her friends, we decided to make signs to go cheer everyone on at mile 25.  Making signs was a great activity in itself!


The first problem was trying to find poster board. We didn’t think about making signs until. the day of, and on Sunday morning, no store nearby had poster boards. So I had to get creative with how to make a poster board — in this case, I had a big gift bag, that I cut into parts, put white paper on the side, and taped it all together. You do what you gotta do!

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