Happy Pencils

My mother is the best at sending care packages as everything she puts in them are unique and cool. The most recent care package included the new Amanda Gorman book, vintage stickers, notebooks, and whimsical, fun pencils. I love these pencils — not only because they are functional and have a purpose — but because they are happy, joyful, and make you smile!


Sprinkle fairy dust on a gold pencil! SCREAMS JOY! I love this!

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Roller Dancing

I know it might be #oversharing, but last December, I picked up a new hobby of roller dancing and it has made such an impact on my life. I know it sounds so cheesy, but it is really true, and something I want to share with you all. When I look back on the past 12 months, what strikes me the most is how much joy, laughter and fun roller skating (specifically roller dancing) has brought me. Since January, I have consistently roller skated at least twice a week and I have loved every minute. When in NYC, I take lessons in my dining room (god bless my husband and his patience) and in the summer in Oregon and California, I would skate on the streets. There is something so freeing, liberating, joyful, and fun about it all. I have absolutely loved picking up a new hobby and seeing my weekly improvements, listening to music loud and dancing to it, working out (it is so hard),


Me and my teacher.

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Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

Sugar, dairy and fat heaven! Ice Cream Sandwich Cake! Oh my, worth every single bite. Based off of the following recipes from: Mommy’s Kitchen, All Recipes, and A Free Recipe. This is truly the easiest homemade dessert, perfect for parties and summer BBQs. (Also, be sure to read through the whole post for info on a special promotion!)


Ice cream cakes!

Ice cream cakes!

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Coconut Lotion

Frequent readers of the blog know that I am royally obsessed with coconuts. See here and here and here and here. And not just to drink or eat, but also to smell. The smell is so tropical and laid back, that when I smell coconut, I instantly think of vacation. Yep, vacationing in NYC with concrete, vertical, grey, massive buildings and coconut oil. Livin the vida loca.

Monoi Tiare Tahiti

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