Currently Loving August 2024 Part 2

Fall is around the corner, but still trying to soak up every inch of sunshine and moment of summer. Here is what I am currently loving Part DEUX of August 2024. And please share with me what you are loving too — I always love hearing what people are loving at the moment.


1. Tru Fru


HOLY CRAP THESE ARE ADDICTING. The best little bit of sweetness and dessert. We love them in both dark and milk chocolate — but especially the milk chocolate raspberries. You must get. To die for. Frozen raspberries coated in white chocolate and then milk.


2. Rafting


We went rafting down the McKenzie River with our friend, McKenzie (who during his college years was a raft guide therefore, the best friend to have), and it was so much fun. Nothing like an afternoon on the river. Such beauty and nature all around. Only problem was that I got cold at the end of the day and couldn’t get warm. Lots of rapids, lots of water splashing all around.


3. Peach Bake Off


We went peach picking one day, and then had a bake off that same afternoon. We each baked something different — Cruzzie made peach cobbler (the best), I made peach galette, and Tusia made crumb peach bars. All were delicious.


4. Skies


Here is the sky right outside our house one morning when I was walking the dog. It was beautiful. In general, I love looking at the skies and the clouds, but especially in Oregon, they tend to be dramatic and breathtaking.


5. Our beloved nanny, Annie


Annie, our nanny, has been with our family for almost 15 years. She went back to NYC this past weekend to have some vacation and time to herself. It is not lost on me how lucky we are to have her in our lives. She is a part of our family and we each love her so very much. This was our last walk together — Cruzzie will not see her before he goes to boarding school, and so he will not see her until Thanksgiving — the longest he has ever been away from her. Truly thankful for Annie — we love her oh so much.


6.  Dutch Braids


I know how to do dutch braids on myself, but this is only the second time time I have ever done them on Tusia. That said, I think that they look great and I love the look of them.


7. Orange Irises 


Orange irises. How beautiful are these??? In my neighbors yard and every time I pass them, I can’t help but commenting on their beauty. So unique and different.


8. Pink Basket


My most recent basket — I love the pink touches. I have made 8 of these little baskets this summer — each time I get a little better, that said, I can’t figure out how to make them bigger!!! Hopefully soon, because right now, I have too many mini baskets.



So there you have it! What I am loving in this second half of August. Hope you are enjoying these long sunny days. THE BEST.

Blueberry Bake Off

Over the weekend, we went blueberry picking again, and decided to have a bake off that afternoon with the blueberries we picked!


The blueberry patch is located on the McKenzie River. It is a farther drive than the farm we usually go to, but they have 80 different types of blueberries and it is all organic and super beautiful, so it’s worth the extra drive.

Another cool thing about this farm, is that you get a little backpack to help carry the blueberries and then you have BOTH hands to pick!

In action…..

10 pounds of blueberries — 25 dollars! Worth it!

We each picked a recipe. Cruzzie made scones. He has NEVER baked in his whole life and so it was fun to watch him — he found a you tube video and was watching it while he baked.

Tusia made blueberry muffins with streusel on top.

I did a galette.

Scones and you tube video.

The four different recipes (another blueberry muffin recipe, too).


Double yum.


A full packed day — we can’t wait to do this with another fruit (Peaches are late this year, but we will go later this week and do the same with them).

Currently Loving August 2024

Sorry for going radio silent last week — it was just one of those weeks! But I am back, and have posts don’t cha worry! Here is what I am loving this month! (And can you believe it is August?!?! How in the world did that happen?)


1. Seattle


Drove up last week to Seattle to visit my brother and his family. Nothing like jumping in to Lake Washington as the sun set….And no, I am a wimp. Only the brave people jump in — it was too cold for me.

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Pickled Green Beans

Typically in summer in Oregon, I do a lot of fruit harvesting and cooking / baking / figuring out what to do with all the fruit. But this year, there are less fruit options due to a big Ice Storm that hit Oregon earlier this year. So instead of the normal peach picking I do around this time, we went green bean picking — yep, green beans! Despite not being the best treat to eat when picking, it was fun to be on the farm and collecting the beans.


I didn’t know what to expect — I thought the green beans would be on a bush — but nope, it is a plant that you have to squat to pick.

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Basket Weaving Class

My mom is an avid crafter — even more so than me — so last week, she told me that she had accidentally signed up for two different zoom workshops at the same time, and so could I take one of them. Since I love crafts and had nothing else to do, I jumped at the chance. Basket weaving. A 4 (yes 4!!!!) hour zoom class where they taught you how to weave a basket. They sent a box with all the supplies – the needle, scissors, everything. The box is from Flax and Twine and I cannot wait to purchase more of these kits.


The box came with all the material.

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Sea Glass Space Invader

As mentioned last week, I am obsessed with sea glass. I am equally as obsessed with Space Invaders. So, this week, I combined the two! LOOK!


When we were in Europe, we found 52 space invaders! 49 in Paris, 2 in Menorca, and 1 in Sainte Maxima. This was the last one on our last full day in Europe! So exciting.

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Currently Loving – Menorca Edition

So much to love on the island of Menorca! Here is what I loved on Menorca during our two week stay. (And if you are thinking about visiting Menorca –DO IT!)


1. Beaches


So many different types of beaches! I loved them all. Rustic, small, popular, chaotic, lounge chairs — every style, I loved.

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Eternelle Notre-Dame

Another fun new activity to do in Paris, is to go to the virtual reality experience of Etenerlle Notre-Dame. Due to the fire of 2019, Notre-Dame is currently closed for renovations. Because of this, they created an experience in the plaza next door to the Notre-Dame that gives the history, details, and walk through of the historical church. 10/10 recommend — incredible experience.


Located right next door to the Notre-Dame, few people actually know of this experience. We purchased tickets online beforehand, but you can just walk up right now because of its newness.

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Space Invaders

Last week, I went to Paris with my two kids, and last minute, added two of Cruzzie’s friends. Initially, I had no plans, so it was a mad dash trying to figure out what to do with four kids solo and how to make it fun for everyone. Normally, I just like to walk around all day with no real plans, but I knew that that would be harder with four kids. Thankfully, I had a dear friend who told me about an app “Flash Invaders” which helps you track the space invaders — tile mosaics all over Paris buildings made by a certain French artist, an Unidentified Free Artist that goes by Invader.


First go to the App Store and download this app, Promise you, it is so fun! Addicting, actually.

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American Trench Retro Socks

Twice in the past week, I have bought from my targeted instagram ads. Yes, I was that person that actually clicked on the ad, and sure enough, I bought it. That said, I love them so much, that I feel like I need to tell you all about them. And yes, they are not cheap, and you can probably find a better deal somewhere else (do share with me when you find good knock offs), but in the meantime, I am loving these American Trench Retro socks.


Retro stripe socks!!! I die over all the colors!

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Paris Biggest Croissants

The morning of Tusia’s birthday, we went on a hunt for the biggest Pain Au Chocolate / Croissant in the city. I had done some research and found that it was 1.5 miles from the apartment. So, that is what we did. We walked, we looked, and we HUNTED for the croissant. Thankfully, our scavenger hunt worked out, and we got it. It surpassed our expectations and highly recommend everyone do this on their next Parisian Adventure. The croissant is from Philippe Continci and it was not just beautiful to look at it, but incredibly delicious. We kept asking how something THIS big, could be so flaky, light and tasty. 10/10 recommend.



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Paris Dogs

The first day we arrived in Paris, Tusia and I noticed that there were so many dogs walking around. The dogs and their owners looked SO more chic than the dogs of NYC (or the States in general), so we decided to document them and it was so fun! Take a look at these photos — not only are the dogs so cute (and the owners and their style, too) but the background and scenes of Paris, OH MY, I love.


Heels to walk the dog, love it.

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Currently Loving Paris Edition

Went on a quick 3 day trip to Paris last week to celebrate Tusia’s 12th birthday and there are so many highlights from the trip! Here is what I loved from Paris last week (and will always love)


1. The Random Street Art


is there anything more beautiful than art all over the streets of Paris? I could spend days just looking at the walls along the streets!

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Big Sur / Carmel Weekend

A week ago, I traveled to Northern California to complete my 22nd marathon. There were a lot of changes going in to the weekend, as the landslide on Highway 1 had affected the route of The Big Sur Marathon, and also impacted our hotel stay. After many bumps and turns, the marathon ended up happening and it was truly a great weekend — the run, the company, and the nature.


I landed on Friday at SFO and was picked up by my bestie, sister from another mister, who is truly the best caretaker and friend in the world. She took care of me by rubbing my feet, making me electrolyte water, and cooking up these delicious pancakes for breakfast. She is truly Martha Stewart 2.0.

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Currently Loving #2 April 2024

The days are long, the weeks are short, but here we are to almost May! So much has happened this month — mainly, going back to school (and teaching) after Spring Break, a cross country tip to visit schools, a family medical situation, more work, more rain, more running, more forgetfulness. Not sure what happened, but the month went WOOSH by. Now, I am getting ready to plan for summer, go BACK to the west coast for a marathon, finish up the school year, and all the other normal busy end of the year obligations. So apologies for the sporadic posts, I am committed to being more consistent going forward. And here is what I am currently loving:


1. Flowers in NYC


Nothing beats the flowers in the city in Springtime. My favorite thing is to look at the difference stages of all the tulips along Park Avenue, the various magnolia, cherry trees, the violets, the pansies, all the bright colors and smells. LOVE.

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Taylor Swift Pajamas

Instagram ads finally got me! I bought my FIRST instagram targeted ad purchase — and I couldn’t be any happier. TAYLOR SWIFT PAJAMAS. Yep, Instagram is smart!!!!!! I know, I know, I know, not Natori Pajamas (Natori pajamas are the best — other than these), but somehow I have to convince my mother-in-law to make Taylor Swift pajamas. Until then, these are amazing, and I love everything about them: cute, great price, comfy, and current!


Taylor! And yes, I had to get them for my daughter, too! I couldn’t resist. She is an XS (too big but whatever!) and I got a S for myself. We are both huge fans of the pajamas (and TSwift, too!)

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Flowers! I love every type of flower — real, in nature, picked, fake, photo, drawing — any and every type of flower. And in the past week, I have had three new flower encounters that I want to share!


1. Fotografiska Exhibit “Human / Nature – Encountering Ourselves in the Natural World”


I loved all the different art work in this exhibit, but I especially loved the Lewis Miller Flash Flower Photos — as I have seen most of them in person and love everything about them.

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Victoria Beckham Beauty

A dear friend gifted me the most incredible and luxurious set of Victoria Beckham Beauty — and now I am the biggest fan. As soon as I opened the gift, it was like Christmas Morning! I love it all — seriously, LOVE IT ALL (and love you, BK). I am now a huge Victoria Beckham Beauty fan and I want to spread the love to you all,  too. It is the best makeup and a serious competitor to my other favorite makeup Westman Atelier. (Right now, VB Beauty wins in my book).


The little pouch! Such a great way to give the makeup as a gift, and then to keep it in and travel with it, too.

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Currently Loving February 2024

January was a long year….and now we are at the shortest month, but it’s still winter (which I don’t love) but this is what I AM loving!


1. H Mart Haul


H Mart is a Koren grocery store that has every kind of Asian food that you want. Last weekend, we went there as an activity, and there was so much to look at and buy, we could have all stayed there for HOURS! This was some of our goodies that we picked up. Chocopie — HUGE hit with Cruzzie. His favorite — and now I need to go back and get more for him.

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Dog Photos + Exhibit

I love dog photos. I mean, I love my dog. So, I love taking photos of her.  These days, I take more photos of Stevie than I do of my kids!!! I can’t help myself, she is just my love bug.


Nothing feels better than cuddling with her.


So this past weekend, when Tusia and I passed Fotografiska which had “Best in Show: Contemporary Photos” exhibition, I couldn’t resist! It was a quick and easy visit, but we both LOVED it so much! I couldn’t stop taking photos!

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Mercer Labs

It was arctic temperatures in NYC this past weekend (and week!), which meant, finding fun indoor activities to get us out of the house. So with a little research, I found Mercer Labs, a new light and technology museum in TriBeCa. I had high hopes of this museum as the reviews were great — and it was even better than I expected. Mercer Labs is a 15 room immersive and interactive experience. Each room was SO cool and we absolutely loved every part of it. We stayed for a full hour, but could have easily been there a lot longer.


Everything about the museum was terrific — not just the exhibits, but the staff, the cleanliness, all of it.

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Currently Loving January 2024

ANOTHER YEAR, another Currently Loving post! And so here we are! Here is what I am loving:


1. No.6 Store Socks


My forever style muse sent me an email to get these socks — and whatever she tells me to get, I do! (She used to have her own style newsletter and I wish she still had it!!!). These socks are fun (not necessarily warm for NYC winters, but cute and stylish) and I can’t wait to wear them!


2. Cityscape Needlepoint Project

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Lunar Phase Calendar

Every year, for the holidays, my mom gives me a lunar phase calendar. It is one of my favorite traditions (receiving this gift) and one of my favorite gifts ever. I always post it up on the back of my office closet door, so that I can look at the moon phases during the year. I know it sounds random, but I look more often than you think one would. I love knowing about the cycles of the moon, and knowing exactly when the moon is full.


Comes in a tube — easy to send! This year, since we will not be with my parents for the holidays, my mom shipped (thank you, Mama!) a care package with presents for all of us in the family. This one — aside from all her handmade knitting and embroidery work — is always my favorite gift.

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