Big Sur / Carmel Weekend

A week ago, I traveled to Northern California to complete my 22nd marathon. There were a lot of changes going in to the weekend, as the landslide on Highway 1 had affected the route of The Big Sur Marathon, and also impacted our hotel stay. After many bumps and turns, the marathon ended up happening and it was truly a great weekend — the run, the company, and the nature.


I landed on Friday at SFO and was picked up by my bestie, sister from another mister, who is truly the best caretaker and friend in the world. She took care of me by rubbing my feet, making me electrolyte water, and cooking up these delicious pancakes for breakfast. She is truly Martha Stewart 2.0.

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Spring Break 2024 Highlights

Sunday Scaries ending Spring Break is REAL. We are ALL feeling it……the two week break went by in a flash, or was so long, did it even really happen? Well, here we are! Monday, April 1st! Back to school (for the kids, and for me!) and so here are the highlights of the past two weeks where we traveled and explored. We were fortunate enough to have three legs — Skiing in Oregon with my parents, Mexico beach vacation the 4 of us, and then ending up in Palm Beach with just me and the kiddos. Here are the highlights:




Cross Country skiing with my parents everyday, while Ken took the kids downhill. I no longer downhill but the kids love it (and Ken is a great dad to take them every day to ski together), but I much prefer the exercise, nature, silence, and togetherness of cross country. Especially with my parents!

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Deep Tissue Massage Roller

As a runner, parts of my body are always sore. I have tried to foam roll but I have failed consistently at doing so. So when I read about a Deep Tissue Massage Roller that acts as a foam roller, but better, I knew I needed it. I first read about it in the NYTimes Running Section, and the author was just like me — always sore, not dedicated to a foam roller, and on the look out for the soreness to be reduced! And I am so happy that I read this article and bought the R8 Deep Tissue Massage Roller Recovery — I LOVE IT.


It is sold on Amazon, but at the time I bought it, it was sold out, so I went directly to their website. It arrived very quickly.

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Chicago Marathon 2023 Recap

I know not all of you are runners, so this post might not be that interesting to you, but just for my own records, wanted to put it out there to the universe. Also — if you ever want to run a marathon — you should. I love it so much — it is a journey and a process — bot the training and the race itself. This past Sunday, not only did my son turn 14 (!!!) but I ran my 21st marathon at my favorite marathon, the Chicago Marathon. It was a great day — perfectly chilly weather and a happy outcome.


As always, I left on Saturday morning for Chicago, and went straight to the expo to pick up my bib. I hate expos — they are so nerve wracking and stressful, and I much prefer to not discuss my race with strangers…I was in and out as fast as I could be, and asked someone to take this photo. I always get a little sad when I am at expos alone — it is usually something you share with others, but alas, I traveled to the race alone and on this rare weekend, my friends that I normally stay with, weren’t there.

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Summer 2023 Running Playlist

I have so many new playlists this summer that I find it almost overwhelming to choose which one to listen to! Recently, one of Ken’s best friends from boarding school and I decided to share music with one another, and it has been so fun building these playlists.


On my run last Friday when I picked up Cruzzie from camp, I spent most of the time taking pictures of all the beauty I was surrounded by.

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Currently Loving July 2023

…and just like that, we are almost to August. Of course, when it comes close to August, I start panicking about the end of summer. Summer is BY FAR my favorite season — the weather, the freedom, the travel, I love it all. And August is like a BIG ‘OL SUNDAY…..So, trying to focus on the present moment, here is what I am currently loving!


1. Crochet Top


Crochet is definitely having a moment this summer, and I love this top. It is great over bathing suits, or on a hike 🙂 I love it so much.

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Currently Loving May 2023 #1

May in NYC started off gray and rainy, but over the weekend, the weather improved and it is GLORIOUS outside. Nothing better than NYC in the sunshine (without humidity) and not overly hot (very rare). I am loving a lot this month, so broke up this one post into two — so stay tuned for later in the week for the second portion of everything I am loving this month!.


1. Amber Waves Farm


Amber Waves Farm. A friend who is heavily involved in a Hamptons Farm, Amber Farms, had people over to her house for food, cocktails, and a tulip making class with tulips grown locally at the Amber Waves Farm. It was incredibly informative (I learned so much) and also so much fun. And the flowers — holy smokes, so gorgeous.

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City Pickle

Last year during the Spring/Summer/Fall seasons, Wollman Rink turned into a rollerskating rink from its original ice skating. This year, during the warm months, Wollman Rink has become a Pickleball Haven! 14 courts of pickleballs on real pickleball surface for open play or full court reservations. So of course we had to go play (and we will be back!)


It is the same inside, but with lockers, rentals, and better option food (Roberta Pizza!)

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Flaco the Owl

As many people have, I too, have become totally enthralled and obsessed with the story of Flaco the Owl. For those of you who do not know Flaco, Flaco is an owl that escaped a month ago from Central Park Zoo. After eluding many different rescue attempts, Flaco now lives in Central Park freely and most likely will continue to live a free life away from the zoo. Flaco escaped the zoo on February 2nd, once its enclosure was vandalized. Flaco has lived in captivity at the zoo since 2010, and everyone has been worried if Flaco would be able to survive alone in the wild. But sure enough, Flaco is not only surviving, but thriving in the city. There was an incredible story in the NYTimes  “Everyone Loves Flaco the Escaped Owl. But Why, Exactly?” and I highly suggest reading it — maybe you, too, will become interested in finding and spotting Flaco!


This past weekend, we went searching for Flaco — almost the whole day Sunday.

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Currently Loving January 2023 Part 2

Is this month over????? Always SOOOOOOO long. Luckily it has not been THAT cold in NYC this past month. I mean, definitely hat and jacket weather, but not my big BIG coat. Here is what I am currently loving.


1. Feel Better Live More Podcast


Super insightful and love all of his shows. A must listen to.

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Thanksgiving 2022

Just got back from a whirlwind away on the west coast in the Bay Area. We decided to visit our best friends from Stanford for the holiday, and it was truly one of the best weekends yet. We laughed, ate, ate some more, ate even more, laughed some more, and just had great quality time together. Here is what we did (and great recommendations for anyone going to the Bay Area, too!)




National Forest north of San Francisco in Marin. A beautiful, relaxing, and incredible sigh of redwood trees. Redwood trees are supposed to be healing, and just being in their presence felt magical. They are HUGE and ANCIENT.

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NYC Marathon 2022 Part 2

Almost 2 weeks have passed since the NYC Marathon, and although it feels like a lifetime ago, I still think about the run all the time. More than any other marathon due to the fact that I ran with Eddie, the blind athlete, and our unfortunate ending of the race. Eddie continues to be an inspiration to me — blind, and yet fully loving and appreciative of life. He does not let his disability define him and seeks challenges, joy, and happiness in everything he does. I hope to be more like Eddie in my daily life. This was our most recent exchange.


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NYC Marathon 2022

On Sunday, I ran the NYC Marathon as a guide for Achilles International. Achilles is an organization for people with disabilities in which they help their lives through athletic programs and social connection. It is my second time running as a guide with Achilles, and second time with my blind athlete, Eddie. It is always a very difficult, but extremely humbling and rewarding experience. The most heartwarming is meeting other athletes and hearing their stories — they are warriors and truly survivors.


I met Eddie at the expo on Friday. He came with a fellow visually impaired friend and it was so difficult to see them find their path in the expo. All of a sudden it came back to me how hard it is to guide someone and to be their eyes, ears, bodyguards, pacers, water fetcher, and protectors.

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Currently Loving October 2022

Here we are in October! Fall in New York….here is what I am currently loving (and please send me what you are loving, too! I love to hear!)


1. Flash Flowers by Lewis Miller Design


Walking home from drop off yesterday and I saw this beautiful flower flash installation by Lewis Miller Design — always so beautiful.

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Athletic Greens

I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Athletic Greens through friends, podcasts, and articles, but I have never tried it until recently. It is my attempt to get more vitamins and nutrients in my body, and not just carbs carbs carbs which is what my body craves most. I have yet to figure out if it is doing anything magical and amazing to my body, but I must say that I enjoy the extra hydration and the feeling that I am TRYING to do something magical and good.


What is it? Athletic Greens is a powder with 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving. One Scoop, 8 ounces of water. It’s all you really need, really. You drink it with cold water, and voila, your body is all good.

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Currently Loving August 2022 Part 2

It is so true that January and February creep by — each day seems sooooo long, and then July and August just whizzzzzz by. So here we are, end of August, and here is what I am loving.


1. Good Quote


Seen on a hike, “Expect noting. Celebrate everything.” I love this quote and think about it often.

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Any Bag

My absolute favorite section of the newspaper is the NYTimes Sunday Styles — truth be told, I think it is EVERYONE’S favorite section…A couple weeks ago, I read about Any bags — and loved every part of it. And the NYTimes is correct — this bag isn’t just ANY bag, it is fun, functional, original, and made from recycled material.


Any bag is a play on words — the ubiquity of plastic bags and an ode to the hometown of the creator.

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Spain 2022 Highlights

I was fortunate enough to spend the last 2 weeks in Southern Spain with my parents, daughter, and Ken (for a week) where we relaxed and explored together. It was refreshing and rejuvenating to leave the US and get fresh air and tastes of a different culture. Here are the highlights:


Every morning, I ran. Over the two weeks, I ran 98 miles. Up hills, down hills, and NEVER on flat surfaces. It was the hardest place I have EVER EVER RUN in my entire life, and I hope that it makes me a stronger (and faster) runner. Each morning, I would dread my run, but I loved it so much afterwards. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to explore my surroundings and really have a feel for the area.

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Currently Loving July 2022

There is a lot to love in July — summer, sunshine, no school, and a shift in seasons; but here are some other things that I am loving this month.


1. Gazpacho

There is nothing I love more than gazpacho — it is my all time favorite soup — and I craved it when I was pregnant with Cruzzie the entire pregnancy. So now that I am in Spain, on the few times we have gone out, I have ordered gazpacho — and it has always tasted delicious. I love tasting the different restaurants and styles — all absolutely delicious, healthy, and refreshing.

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Currently Loving June 2022

It is almost mid June and so the end-of-school-rush and start of traveling is in full swing. I am trying to pack for two camps, a cross country trip, a Europe trip, and still manage to get the kids to school. Needless to say, I feel like a chicken without a head. All good things, and I am happy to be here and healthy….so here is what I am loving this month.


1. Notorious BIG Metro card


A lover of BIG, I had to get this special metrocard. Going to frame it — love it. Definitely cost more than a normal metrocard, but it will last a lifetime.


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Summer 2022 Running Playlist

The hot, humid, and slogging runs have begun! Here is what I am enjoying listening to on my runs recently.


I saw this advertisement on a run this past week and it made me smile. Super clever.


Summer 2022 Running Playlist


More (Jan Blomqvist)
Sign of the Times (Nore En Pure)
I’m Not Alone (Calvin Harris, deadmau5)
Spotlight (feat. Sarah Ikumu) (S.A.M, Sarah Ikumu)
Treat You Better – Cassian Remix (RUFUS DU SOL, Cassian)
Sonnentanz – Sun Don’t Shine (Klangkarussel, Will Heard)
Calabria 2008 (Enur, Natasja)
Original Sin (Sofi Tukker)
I Just Wanna Dance (Coldabank. Freedo)
Problems (Don Diablo, JLV, John K)
Let You Go (Diplo, TSHA, Kareen Lomax)
When The Summer Dies (deadmau5, Lights)
Behind The Sun (ODESZA)
Red Lights – EMBRZ Remix (Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, EMBRZ)
Losing It (Fisher)
Belly Dancer (Imanbek, BYOR)
Silence (Dark Heart, NEUBAUER)



Happy running! Happy June! Happy almost Summer!

Amundsen Sports

Scandinavians always do EVERYTHING right — not only are the most beautiful people, but they create a standard and quality of products that outdo any other region in the world. So when I found out about Amundsen Sports, a Norwegian outdoor apparel company, I knew that I would love it. And yes, it also helped that one of my closest friends is Norwegian with the chicest taste and style who is even more outdoorsy and adventuresome than I am, is the one who told me about this company.  It didn’t take much and now I am sold — obsessed with my newest Amundsen shorts (to start with) for all my outdoor summer plans.


Pop up in Soho! GO, RUN, LOOK, TRY ON!

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Spring 2022 To Do Wish List

Although we are in already a week in to May, NYC has not been very warm or Spring like….better weather to come, here is what I am hoping to do this Spring (both in the city and in general).


1. Drive In Movie Theater in Brooklyn


I am dying to try out this Brooklyn Drive In Movie Theater where you not only watch the movie, but you have beautiful views of the city. Right now they are showing Clueless.


2. Visit The Whitney Biennial


I must go! I must go! I must!


3. Overall Spring Cleaning


I love Spring Cleaning – a fresh start to clean and purge and tidy everything.


4. See The Basquiat Exhibit


I love Basquiat and cannot wait to see this special exhibit.


5. Finish my Dr. Dre Needlepoint


Dr. Dre needlepoint — loving this creation but ready to move on to something new!


6. Enjoy a Show At The Forest Hills Stadium


Live music!


7. Devour Pizza


A newly opened Pizza restaurant in the Lower East Side, yes please!


8. Play MiniGolf in Williamsburg


A great family activity — mini golf in Brooklyn! It reopens May 16th!


9. Glamp on Governors Island


One of my favorite adventures was glamping on Governors Island — different, unique, picturesque, and fun. A must do at least once in your life!


10. Roam on Pier 57 Rooftop


A new rooftop park to explore — sign me up!



What are you looking forward to doing, exploring, engaging in this Spring? Do share!


Currently Loving April 2022

It’s unbelievable to me that we are almost half way through the year — I have been hibernating the past 2.5 months, so it feels a little surreal, and yet, here we are. Here is what I am currently loving!


1. Trader Joe’s Egg Wraps


A low carb version of a tortilla or a wrap and just as delicious! So good to eat as a savory or sweet snack.

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Spring 2022 Running Playlist

Spring, here we are! Nothing beats running in nicer and warmer weather…here is what I have been listening to when I run!


(yes, I am not running in this picture, and it is me biking, but imagine I am RUNNING in this beautiful background with this fun playlist. And yes, I am not wearing earphones in this, but if I were, I would be listening to this…)

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