Sarah Sze: Timelapse

Thanks to a college friend (the head curator of Storm King), I was invited on a private tour of the new exhibit at the Guggenheim: Sarah Sze Timelapse. It was a wonderful hour spent listening to the head curator of the exhibit, Kyung An, and learning SO much (apparently I am the last one to know about Sarah Sze!!!!) It is an interesting exhibit but made incredibly worthwhile with the descriptions and explanations of each work and the thought process behind it.


It starts at the bottom of the rotunda and then restarts on the 6th floor (there is another exhibit in between — but Sarah Sze is the main feature).

I am always in awe of the beauty of the Guggenheim.

Known mainly as a sculptor, Sarah Sze, also has many paintings that are very interesting to look at. I have to say that once I returned home, I went down a rabbit hole learning more about Sarah Sze and found out so much. Read this article here and here.

Painting, sculpture, video, drawing, and sound.

Reminded me of ‘A Beautiful Mind”

Sarah created this work for the Guggenheim. She had the painting at home, and then put it in the museum and worked with the slope of the reflection of it, like in water.

Lost me — but apparently cool?

I really enjoyed this work — Sarah created as she noticed that when people walk through the Guggenheim, they just walk and glance by as they walk up and down the rotunda. It was a large fingerprint with different frames to look at it through.

The sun.

This was the most impressive and beautiful (art is so subjective).

The final room “Time Keeper”


Definitely worth visiting and seeing this exhibit! And if you can get a tour, even better. Thank you Nora, and thank you Storm King!

Anika Yael Natori, aka, The Josie Girl

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