Currently Loving August 2024 Part 2

Fall is around the corner, but still trying to soak up every inch of sunshine and moment of summer. Here is what I am currently loving Part DEUX of August 2024. And please share with me what you are loving too — I always love hearing what people are loving at the moment.


1. Tru Fru


HOLY CRAP THESE ARE ADDICTING. The best little bit of sweetness and dessert. We love them in both dark and milk chocolate — but especially the milk chocolate raspberries. You must get. To die for. Frozen raspberries coated in white chocolate and then milk.


2. Rafting

We went rafting down the McKenzie River with our friend, McKenzie (who during his college years was a raft guide therefore, the best friend to have), and it was so much fun. Nothing like an afternoon on the river. Such beauty and nature all around. Only problem was that I got cold at the end of the day and couldn’t get warm. Lots of rapids, lots of water splashing all around.


3. Peach Bake Off


We went peach picking one day, and then had a bake off that same afternoon. We each baked something different — Cruzzie made peach cobbler (the best), I made peach galette, and Tusia made crumb peach bars. All were delicious.


4. Skies


Here is the sky right outside our house one morning when I was walking the dog. It was beautiful. In general, I love looking at the skies and the clouds, but especially in Oregon, they tend to be dramatic and breathtaking.


5. Our beloved nanny, Annie


Annie, our nanny, has been with our family for almost 15 years. She went back to NYC this past weekend to have some vacation and time to herself. It is not lost on me how lucky we are to have her in our lives. She is a part of our family and we each love her so very much. This was our last walk together — Cruzzie will not see her before he goes to boarding school, and so he will not see her until Thanksgiving — the longest he has ever been away from her. Truly thankful for Annie — we love her oh so much.


6.  Dutch Braids


I know how to do dutch braids on myself, but this is only the second time time I have ever done them on Tusia. That said, I think that they look great and I love the look of them.


7. Orange Irises 


Orange irises. How beautiful are these??? In my neighbors yard and every time I pass them, I can’t help but commenting on their beauty. So unique and different.


8. Pink Basket


My most recent basket — I love the pink touches. I have made 8 of these little baskets this summer — each time I get a little better, that said, I can’t figure out how to make them bigger!!! Hopefully soon, because right now, I have too many mini baskets.



So there you have it! What I am loving in this second half of August. Hope you are enjoying these long sunny days. THE BEST.

Josie Girl

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