Long Island City

This past weekend, we were in the city with no plans on Saturday night. Although I love nothing more than a night in, we decided to go on a field trip to Long Island City, where I had not been in years. And HOLY COW — it is SOOOOOOOOOOO different and a city in itself (hence the name). It was super easy to get to in the car (just over the 59th street bridge) and fun to explore a new part of our backyard. I can’t wait to go back there and eat at different restaurants, see the sights, and experience a different part of our eclectic city.


Trip over the bridge with the iconic sign “Silver Cup”

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Things to do this Sept / Oct

I know school just started, but man, how is it already mid month??? Here is a list of things I want to do in the next couple of weeks!


1. Visit Picasso in Fontainebleu at the MoMa


I love going to museums — especially when it is just for one exhibit and then leave. I am excited for this exhibit which comes at the start of October.


2. See Manet / Degas at the Met


A friend saw this in Paris this past summer and said it was one of the best exhibits she has seen. I can’t wait to go — end of this month!


3. Eat at the Golden Steamer


I have heard great things about this chinese bakery, and it just opened up another location, so will definitely be checking it out! Steamed buns! Moon cakes!


4. Watch Jaja’s African Hair Braiding on Broadway


I love everything that Manhattan Theatre Club puts on, and this is looks great. I hope to go during the time it is on Broadway!


5. Read a book


This list looks great — I really, really need to get back on track and start reading more! I want to — I just need to focus more!


6. Make something at the Brooklyn Craft Company


There is a HUGE list of different types of classes, and I cannot wait to try one out!


7. Relax at the World Spa


This place looks unbelievable. I want to go STAT.


8. Watch Taylor Swift Eras Tour Movie


I mean, who is NOT excited for this?????


What do you want to do in the next couple of months? Do share!

Currently Loving August 2023

I realize that August is practically over, but wanted to squeeze in with some of the things I love right now!


1. Taylor Swift Maroon


can NOT stop. This is one of my absolute favorite songs right now. Must listen to. Taylor did not perform this at her concert, but because I have been on a deep Taylor Swift dive, I am listening and loving them all.


2.  Nike

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Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

I copied a dear friend who makes biscuits for her dog — and now you should do the same! They were a fun (and easy) activity — and healthy and delicious for the dog! They are vegetarian (not vegan as they contain milk) and not gluten free because they have flour! But come on, still good and yummy for the dogs!


End result! Don’t YOU want to make these for your dogs???

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Peach Cobbler

(Oops I did it again — a week off from writing. It has been so nonstop busy with more airplane rides than one can count, so I just stopped writing. But here I am, BACK AGAIN!)…..One of my favorite things to do in summers in Oregon is to pick local fruit and to bake. This past week, the fruit of the week was PEACH! So we headed to pick peaches — it is currently the start of the season, but nonetheless, we had two different varieties to pick from, and they were both oh so delicious.


We ate so many peaches while picking them — how could you not? First, it was to try to figure out the ripeness based on how they felt, and then, they were too good not to eat them.

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Currently Loving July 2023

…and just like that, we are almost to August. Of course, when it comes close to August, I start panicking about the end of summer. Summer is BY FAR my favorite season — the weather, the freedom, the travel, I love it all. And August is like a BIG ‘OL SUNDAY…..So, trying to focus on the present moment, here is what I am currently loving!


1. Crochet Top


Crochet is definitely having a moment this summer, and I love this top. It is great over bathing suits, or on a hike 🙂 I love it so much.

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Paris Recommendations 2023

I know everyone has their list of favorite places in Paris and what’s the best thing to do, but here is my current list of favorite activities I did this past month while in Paris.





This restaurant was recommended to me by a french friend — and it was perfect in every way. VEGETABLES, ONLY FRENCH, ROOF TOP, BEAUTIFUL. I loved every second.

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Currently Loving May 2023 #1

May in NYC started off gray and rainy, but over the weekend, the weather improved and it is GLORIOUS outside. Nothing better than NYC in the sunshine (without humidity) and not overly hot (very rare). I am loving a lot this month, so broke up this one post into two — so stay tuned for later in the week for the second portion of everything I am loving this month!.


1. Amber Waves Farm


Amber Waves Farm. A friend who is heavily involved in a Hamptons Farm, Amber Farms, had people over to her house for food, cocktails, and a tulip making class with tulips grown locally at the Amber Waves Farm. It was incredibly informative (I learned so much) and also so much fun. And the flowers — holy smokes, so gorgeous.

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Ivan Ramen

Due to the many holidays last week (Passover and Good Friday), we had two days off from school. That meant, a lot of exploring in the city to occupy us. One adventure that the kids ALWAYS like is finding a new ramen restaurant. So after some research, we headed down to the East Village, to Ivan Ramen. There are many locations in Tokyo, but this one is the only one in NYC (and has been here since 2013). It was delicious, fast, easy, inexpensive, and fun to try. We will definitely go back again.


We sat outside in our own little courtyard which was perfect because it was Spring-ish, and nice to be in the fresh air.

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Currently Loving March 2023

And just like that….Spring Break is right around the corner. Here is what I am loving this month.


1. Notorious BIG Statue


Located near the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn, this new statue of BIG is set up on a hill and is fun, colorful, and different. As a huge fan of BIG, I love it. VERY MUCH.


2. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

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Charred Salt and Vinegar Cabbage

The cookbook I use the most so far in 2023 has been “Smitten Kitchen” and the two recipes I cook on a weekly basis are the broccoli rabe with burrata and the charred salt and vinegar cabbage. I COULD EAT BUCKETS OF CABBAGE because this recipe is to die for. This is absolutely amazing and I highly suggest making it (even if it sounds weird) — I promise you will love it.





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Currently Loving Early February 2023

Here we are, already a week plus a couple in the second month of the year. How does time fly by so quickly? Before you know it, it will be spring break and then school is over and then POOF summer. Here is what I am currently loving this month.


1. NY Times article: Future Cringe


One of my favorite articles in 2023 — a must read if you haven’t seen it already!

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What to do in NYC when freezing

It was VERY, VERY, VERY cold over the weekend in NYC. It was hard to do much of anything because of the frigid air. Here is what I suggest doing if you are in NYC when it is very cold outside.


The Met Museum


I went the other weekend to celebrate the Chinese New Year and see a special dance performance. It was fun to be in the museum (the actual performance was so so), but I love how beautiful the structure of the Met is and how you can get lost in it for days.

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Banana Egg Pancake

I posted this breakfast hack several years ago, but it is so good that I think it is important I tell you AGAIN just in case you missed it the first time. TWO ingredient pancakes. They are beyond easy and so delicious that everyone in the family will like. The two ingredients: banana and egg. Et voila,  2 ingredient pancakes.


You take 1 banana and 2 eggs (or 1/2 banana and 1 egg) and smash it together. yes, if you use a blender, it is smoother and nicer (but that also means more of a mess to clean up). So I am A OK with clumps, and just smash it and mix together in one bowl.

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Michaeli Bakery

A new bakery in NYC has arrived and it is absolutely DELICIOUS. Thanks to a dear friend of Ken’s from boarding school, Newmie, she always sends me lists of everything new and cool that she loves in the city. And last week, she wrote to me that this new bakery, Michaeli Bakery, had opened up. Sure enough, after research, she was right — it was straight up my alley. It is an Israeli bakery, started by the first baker that was brought to NYC to open Breads Bakery. It specailizes in Jewish baked goods — ie burekas, rugalach, babka, challah, and more. It also has TWO locations — one on the UES (401 East 90th Street) and one on the LES (115A Division Street).


I decided to try four different cookies — and HOLY SMOKES they are amazing. Better than Levain, better than crumbl, they are truly the perfect size, density, sweetness and flavor.

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Currently Loving January 2023 Part 2

Is this month over????? Always SOOOOOOO long. Luckily it has not been THAT cold in NYC this past month. I mean, definitely hat and jacket weather, but not my big BIG coat. Here is what I am currently loving.


1. Feel Better Live More Podcast


Super insightful and love all of his shows. A must listen to.

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Currently Loving January 2023

January is always the longest month. It feels like February is right around the corner, but it actually isn’t — it still is weeks away! Here is what I am loving this month!


1. Anything Pendleton-pattern-esque


I love everything Pendleton. I’ve had the blue coat since Cruzzie was in my belly (13 years ago) and it is a coat that I imagine I will have as long as I am alive. And I keep adding to my collection…now the dog has one (if only she liked it — she hates clothes).

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Smitten Kitchen Keepers Cookbook

I came across the cookbook Smitten Kitchen Keepers over the holidays, and since then, I have made dozens of recipes. It is HANDS DOWN my favorite cookbook. Everything I have made has been absolutely delicious (and there have been many repeats) and literally everything in the cookbook, I want to try and eat. So if you want to be inspired in the kitchen, get this cookbook! I AM IN LOVE.


I love absolutely everything about this cookbook — the recipes (most importantly), the photos, the writing, all great.

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Sunday in Brooklyn

In the past month, we have been going to Brooklyn for brunch. There is something and fun and different to get in our car, drive to a different borough, and eat where we are not going to know a single person. Recently, we ended up at Sunday in Brooklyn, on a SUNDAY in BROOKLYN (very meta). It was after I researched where “the best pancakes are served in NYC,” and this was at the top of every list I came across.


It takes reservations, but on the Sunday we went, there were not any available spots, so we walked in, and put our name on the waitlist and walked around Domino Park — which had beautiful views of Manhattan. Windy and cold, but still beautiful and picturesque.

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Skateboard Knife

We spent Thanksgiving with our besties in San Francisco, and everything they do is always perfection. The food they cook, their house decor,  outfits, life style, plants, vacations, absolutely anything EVERYTHING could be written up and presented as the best, because it truly is the best. So when they told me about this new knife, and especially with its amazing backstory, I knew I needed and wanted it (plus my knives are old and need a serious upgrade). But this knife isn’t just any knife — it is made from recycled skateboards.


Nacionale Bladeworks. This company is in the Philippines, which makes it that much more special.

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Dim Sum NYC

The weekend before Thanksgiving, I had a craving to go to dim sum in the city. After an extensive search online on what the best dim sum restaurant is, we ended up at Nom Wah Tea Parlor. It was everything that I had hoped for, and I highly suggest going (and waiting) for a great dim sum meal if in the city.


Down a car free street. It was a cold morning and despite it opening up at 11 am (and us getting there then), we still had to wait for 45 minutes. That said, it was worth it.

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Thanksgiving 2022

Just got back from a whirlwind away on the west coast in the Bay Area. We decided to visit our best friends from Stanford for the holiday, and it was truly one of the best weekends yet. We laughed, ate, ate some more, ate even more, laughed some more, and just had great quality time together. Here is what we did (and great recommendations for anyone going to the Bay Area, too!)




National Forest north of San Francisco in Marin. A beautiful, relaxing, and incredible sigh of redwood trees. Redwood trees are supposed to be healing, and just being in their presence felt magical. They are HUGE and ANCIENT.

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Currently Loving Early November 2022

Yesterday, I wrote that the date was November 2021. I can’t believe that it is not 2021, and in fact, it is almost 2023! Here is what I am loving right now in Early November.


1.  Zara Marine Jeans (for kids)


These jeans are the cutest and I wish they had them in adults sizes. They are Tusia’s first jeans (ever) and she loves them just as much as I do (which is never the case).

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