Happy Spring Holiday(s)

Happy (belated) Easter! Happy (belated) Passover! Happy (belated) Spring! Some pictures from Pound Ridge of the holiday weekend!


As a typical 4 year old, Cruzzie decides to NOT listen to his papa, and throws the rocks into the pond regardless.

As a typical 4 year old, Cruzzie decides to NOT listen to his papa, and throws rocks into the pond regardless.

Almost 2, and already throwing mega-fits, this little cutie ALSO decides to not listen to her papa and (dangerously walks) on the rocks without supervision and shoes on.

Almost 2, and already throwing mega-fits, this little cutie ALSO decides to not listen to her papa and dangerously walks on the rocks with neither supervision nor shoes.

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Passover Traditions

Morning! For those of you who celebrated Passover last night — or who are celebrating it again tonight (and even for you NON Jews who want a special treat!), my lovely friend Heidi-ho (nickname) made an AMAZING treat for all us Josie Girls (Jews, Christians, and all religions alike)! Since I am solo in Florida with the kids, and therefore being a bad Jew and eating bread, more bread, and MORE bread, AND not having a seder or two or ten to attend….. I am thrilled Heidi-ho is riding to the rescue with a great post on the tradition of Passover .and the food that comes with it! (And come back for another guest blog on Friday on Easter traditions from Georgia Frasch). Without further ado, my lovely friend and guest blogger Heidi will take it from here:

Heidi. Don't you just LOVE her already? So fitting (jew special post) that we met each other in 1996 on an Israel Team Tour. She didn't know Oregon had jews, and I had no idea someone could be so fun. (Good trade off, huh?)

Heidi. Don’t you just LOVE her already? So fitting that we met each other in 1996 on an Israel Team Tour. She didn’t know Oregon had Jews, and I had no idea someone could be so fun. (Good trade off, huh?)

Does your kitchen smell like brisket today?  Ah, mine does!  The sweet celebration of Passover is upon us and, while we may lose out on bread and some other fun carbs for eight days, we do okay with some Passover specialties.  Favorites like matzo ball soup (this is the version simmering on my stove this year!), matzo brie (trust me), matzo bark (the kosher-for-passover version of this) and I haven’t even started on the real desserts yet.  Stay with me – it’s coming.

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