Currently Loving August 2024 Part 2

Fall is around the corner, but still trying to soak up every inch of sunshine and moment of summer. Here is what I am currently loving Part DEUX of August 2024. And please share with me what you are loving too — I always love hearing what people are loving at the moment.


1. Tru Fru


HOLY CRAP THESE ARE ADDICTING. The best little bit of sweetness and dessert. We love them in both dark and milk chocolate — but especially the milk chocolate raspberries. You must get. To die for. Frozen raspberries coated in white chocolate and then milk.


2. Rafting


We went rafting down the McKenzie River with our friend, McKenzie (who during his college years was a raft guide therefore, the best friend to have), and it was so much fun. Nothing like an afternoon on the river. Such beauty and nature all around. Only problem was that I got cold at the end of the day and couldn’t get warm. Lots of rapids, lots of water splashing all around.


3. Peach Bake Off


We went peach picking one day, and then had a bake off that same afternoon. We each baked something different — Cruzzie made peach cobbler (the best), I made peach galette, and Tusia made crumb peach bars. All were delicious.


4. Skies


Here is the sky right outside our house one morning when I was walking the dog. It was beautiful. In general, I love looking at the skies and the clouds, but especially in Oregon, they tend to be dramatic and breathtaking.


5. Our beloved nanny, Annie


Annie, our nanny, has been with our family for almost 15 years. She went back to NYC this past weekend to have some vacation and time to herself. It is not lost on me how lucky we are to have her in our lives. She is a part of our family and we each love her so very much. This was our last walk together — Cruzzie will not see her before he goes to boarding school, and so he will not see her until Thanksgiving — the longest he has ever been away from her. Truly thankful for Annie — we love her oh so much.


6.  Dutch Braids


I know how to do dutch braids on myself, but this is only the second time time I have ever done them on Tusia. That said, I think that they look great and I love the look of them.


7. Orange Irises 


Orange irises. How beautiful are these??? In my neighbors yard and every time I pass them, I can’t help but commenting on their beauty. So unique and different.


8. Pink Basket


My most recent basket — I love the pink touches. I have made 8 of these little baskets this summer — each time I get a little better, that said, I can’t figure out how to make them bigger!!! Hopefully soon, because right now, I have too many mini baskets.



So there you have it! What I am loving in this second half of August. Hope you are enjoying these long sunny days. THE BEST.

Currently Loving August 2024

Sorry for going radio silent last week — it was just one of those weeks! But I am back, and have posts don’t cha worry! Here is what I am loving this month! (And can you believe it is August?!?! How in the world did that happen?)


1. Seattle


Drove up last week to Seattle to visit my brother and his family. Nothing like jumping in to Lake Washington as the sun set….And no, I am a wimp. Only the brave people jump in — it was too cold for me.

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Currently Loving – Menorca Edition

So much to love on the island of Menorca! Here is what I loved on Menorca during our two week stay. (And if you are thinking about visiting Menorca –DO IT!)


1. Beaches


So many different types of beaches! I loved them all. Rustic, small, popular, chaotic, lounge chairs — every style, I loved.

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Currently Loving August 2023

I realize that August is practically over, but wanted to squeeze in with some of the things I love right now!


1. Taylor Swift Maroon


can NOT stop. This is one of my absolute favorite songs right now. Must listen to. Taylor did not perform this at her concert, but because I have been on a deep Taylor Swift dive, I am listening and loving them all.


2.  Nike

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Currently Loving May 2023 #1

May in NYC started off gray and rainy, but over the weekend, the weather improved and it is GLORIOUS outside. Nothing better than NYC in the sunshine (without humidity) and not overly hot (very rare). I am loving a lot this month, so broke up this one post into two — so stay tuned for later in the week for the second portion of everything I am loving this month!.


1. Amber Waves Farm


Amber Waves Farm. A friend who is heavily involved in a Hamptons Farm, Amber Farms, had people over to her house for food, cocktails, and a tulip making class with tulips grown locally at the Amber Waves Farm. It was incredibly informative (I learned so much) and also so much fun. And the flowers — holy smokes, so gorgeous.

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Currently Loving January 2023

January is always the longest month. It feels like February is right around the corner, but it actually isn’t — it still is weeks away! Here is what I am loving this month!


1. Anything Pendleton-pattern-esque


I love everything Pendleton. I’ve had the blue coat since Cruzzie was in my belly (13 years ago) and it is a coat that I imagine I will have as long as I am alive. And I keep adding to my collection…now the dog has one (if only she liked it — she hates clothes).

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Currently Loving December 2022

Here we are — December! Cross that out — MID DECEMBER! Here is what I am loving!


1. The Old Man and The Pool


I went to this in early December and it was SOO funny. I loved the 75 minute one man show and highly recommend anything that Mike Birbiglia does. In this production, it was about aging, and it could not have been more relevant or in tune with life. LOVED it.


2. Rat Ornament

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Currently Loving Early November 2022

Yesterday, I wrote that the date was November 2021. I can’t believe that it is not 2021, and in fact, it is almost 2023! Here is what I am loving right now in Early November.


1.  Zara Marine Jeans (for kids)


These jeans are the cutest and I wish they had them in adults sizes. They are Tusia’s first jeans (ever) and she loves them just as much as I do (which is never the case).

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Currently Loving August 2022 Part 2

It is so true that January and February creep by — each day seems sooooo long, and then July and August just whizzzzzz by. So here we are, end of August, and here is what I am loving.


1. Good Quote


Seen on a hike, “Expect noting. Celebrate everything.” I love this quote and think about it often.

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Currently Loving May 2022

Memorial Day weekend here we come, which means summer is around the corner! Here is what I am loving this month.


1. Basiquat Exhibit: King Pleasure in NYC


An absolute must if you are in NYC. 200 never been seen pieces. Well put together, interesting flow, and great commentary and information. Highly recommend!

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Currently Loving February 2022

February — the shortest (yet longest) month of the year! Here is what I am loving (and wanting) right now!


1. Wordle

Wordle! I am obsessed — it is similar to my obsession with Spelling Bee — but I actually stink at Wordle. This meme made me laugh….I am totally Homer Simpson! If you don’t know about it, it is a word game.

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Currently Loving July 2021

Mid July, here we are. Second half of the year, here, too! Here is what I am currently loving this month:


1. Martha Stewart’s Blueberry Crisp Recipe


We went blueberry picking this week and picked over 12 pounds of blueberry. So I decided to make a blueberry crisp (and follow a recipe!) I made two of these crisps (used 6 pounds of blueberries) and found this recipe perfect — not too sweet, but light and refreshing.

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Currently Loving March 2021

This hasn’t necessarily been the easiest month of my life: stitches, emergency room trips, COVID, isolation, cold weather temperatures, and the winter blues. But, I think I see the other side of all of this (a huge improvement from a week ago), and here is what I am currently loving this month.


1. Promising Young Lady


A twisted thriller. Uncomfortable and hard to watch, but loved it nonetheless.


2. Ted Lasso

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Currently Loving December 2020

Here we are, the last month of 2020 — and only a little more than a dozen days left. What a crazy and wild year it has been… on the bright side, here is what I am loving this month!


1. Mini Adventures with the Family


The past two weekends, we have had NOTHING to do …. as there is NOTHING *TO* do. So we have done mini adventures — walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, exploring a new mural, looking at views of the city, going on drives. All these little adventures seem like nothing, but they are enjoyable, create memories, help us see the world, and most importantly *allow us to get out of the house*. If anyone has other mini adventures in the tristate area, please share! Love to hear ideas!


2. Glossier Blue Eyeliner


I have never worn blue eyeliner before, but I bought this….and especially since I wear a mask most of the day, it is fun to do something unique and different to my eyes. A good pick me up!


3. Considering a Post Pandemic Future


A good article….what are you looking forward to post pandemic? Interesting to think about…


4. Lime Juicer


HANDS down, my best COVID purchase. This might seem like any juicer, but it’s not. It gets more juice than any other juicer and is clean, easy, and not expensive. And worth every cent.


5. Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies


These cookies remind me of Christmas and I made them for the first time recently. Love them and brings back so many childhood memories.


6. Murder on Middle Beach


A mini series that I thoroughly enjoyed. After watching “The Undoing” and “The Queen’s Gambit,” this was a good one to follow….now I need a new TV series to watch!


7. 33 Life Lessons


A great article to flip through.


What are you enjoying this month? Do share! I hope you have a great week….final countdown here we comeeeeee……

Currently Loving November 2020

Although it is just the beginning of the month, here is what I am currently loving (I need to be positive, especially with the big election this Tuesday and all the unknowns afterwards)


1. Armchair Expert with Matthew McConaughey


SUCH a good listen. I listened to it when I was driving and was laughing out loud like best friends with this duo. So much fun, so good.

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Currently Loving September 2020

It sure feels like Fall in New York! Chilly, brisk, windy — aka no longer summer. I always think of the “You’ve Got Mail” quote “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” There is something fairy-tale like about NYC in the fall…so here is what I am currently loving September 2020.


1. RBG


Super Diva — YES!


Doesn’t your heart hurt with the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing this past Friday night? What a legend, a role model, an inspiration, truly a super hero. I can’t stop reading all her quotes and feel sickened and sad by America’s loss. If you haven’t watched the documentary, RBG, available on Hulu, now is the time to do.

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Currently Loving July 2020

Holy shmollllly it is almost August! I feel like it was just February. But nope. End of July here we are! Here is what I am currently loving, enjoy!


1. Exile by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver


Bon Iver has been one of my favorite singer song writer for quite some time — I love absolutely everything he does — whether it is his own music or songs he produces, writes, or is featured in. And this song is exactly that — so good, beautiful, touching, melodic, and I LOVE IT.

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Katie’s Loves During Shelter-in-Place

Thanks to my dear friend from Stanford, Katie, who wrote today’s post on what she is loving during quarantine. Not only is she brilliant and smart, the best cook ever, interesting and interested, but she has great taste and style, too. Thank you, Katie, for sharing with us your top 10 best finds during COVID — love you loads! Check out Katie’s other contribution to this blog years ago with her Ice Cream Flower Pots post.  Take it away!



While in quarantine, some people have mastered making sourdough starter from scratch, planted a vegetable garden, or otherwise lived their #bestlife, I have chosen in many ways to slow down. Yep. Slow. Way. Down. Being tucked in, cozy at home, can be calming and comforting in so many ways if you choose to see it that way. In these insane past few months, I have found a variety of things that make my life a little easier, a lot happier, and definitely more fun. I am happy to share the best of them in hopes that it might bring a little bit of ease, happiness and fun to your life too. Here are my Top Ten Best finds, thanks to sheltering in place and slowing way down:


Sourdough starter.

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Currently Loving May 2020

Here we are, mid May. I get more confused with what month than what day it is. Can it really be MAY? LIKE SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER? Then what? What happens next??? Well, for now, here is what I am currently loving this month! Enjoy!


1. Warm Romper


Acid wash, pink, comfortable, cozy, and perfect for a range of temperatures. I love my new romper. I think it is perfect for a beach cover up, or a golf excursion!

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Currently Loving April 2020

So sorry for the lack of posts this past week — there was a technical issue that came up (I found out that the subscription of the posts were no longer being sent out — so I had to deal with that, and as you can imagine, it was a slow process to get this fixed!) but here we are now! Back at it again! PHEW, after being in Florida for 5 weeks, NYC for a handful of days, we are now in Westchester where we will be for the next several weeks…’s been hard. Days are super long and repetitive. For all of us. But here is what I am currently loving.


1. The Last Dance


10 part documentary series on Michael Jordan and the Bulls Dynasty. Even though I am not a fan of basketball, I have been thoroughly enjoying this series.

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Currently Loving January 2020

2020 here we are! And here is what I am currently loving this month!


1. Lovers in Auschwitz, Reunited 72 Years Later


I read this article over a month ago when it came out and yet I still think about it. It is extremely powerful and moving — an incredible story that is worth the long read. Gotta love a good ‘ol love story.

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