Best Beauty Secret

A dear friend of mine, who also happens to be extremely opinionated and firm on all her decisions, told me that the best beauty secret for her skin was coconut oil. Yes, yes, I am a huge believer in coconut oil for the body, and have always splurged on the expensive kinds that are made for the body. This friend told me not to buy the expensive kind, but rather, the kind in a health food store, and to use it all over your body, including your face. So, after a while of experimenting on my face and skin, I have finally figured out the right amount (a little goes a long way), and man DO I LOVE IT. SERIOUSLY, it is the best moisturizer and feels so good on the body and the face, makes your skin glow, and is inexpensive too. TRIPLE WHAMMY WIN!


Looks and appears basic. BUT IT IS FAR FROM BASIC.

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Currently Loving November 2017

So here we are at Thanksgiving….I am not sure how or when it happened, but we are 11/12th done with 2017. Last year, for the holidays we were in Oregon (Naked Thanksgiving), the year before in Colorado (a special Friendsgiving Aspen edition). And here we are this year, staying in the city and having a mellow holiday. We have a lot of fun activities lined up (not one but TWO blow up balloon parties today for the Macy’s Day Parade, seats for the actual parade tomorrow, indoor skydiving on Friday, and visits with best friends from both coasts). So although it will be a local staycation, I am looking forward to not traveling, and a lot of downtime (always good for me to do). Here is also what I am loving this month! Take a look.


This is Us


Last night’s episode, HOLY CRAP. Ken and I both cried the entire time. It was so good — I was so hysterical that I had to sit upright (instead of lying down) because I was going to choke on my tears… show since Parenthood…


SLT pilates


I actually hate this class, but I like what it does for me. It is so hard that I stare at the clock the entire time dying in agony because it hurts so much. But….I feel and see my abs for the first time in a long time.


Kale Salad from Cook Beautiful


My new favorite kale salad. This is full of delicious extra goodies: cheese, apples, raisins, hazelnuts…and the tahini garlic dressing is SO good.


Tusia’s coat


Rainbows, butterflies, and flare. What is not to love? Everything about this is my favorite and I wish it came in my size….


Rhye song


Mellow, chill, and emotional……a must listen to.


Cheddar TV


For those of you haven’t heard, Cheddar is a relatively new financial news station that broadcasts live on Twitter, Amazon, and a number of other different outlets as well. Ken was on in May to promote Natori Caftan Day, and was on again yesterday too. Check his interview out here!




There you have it, another list of everything I am currently loving! Do share with me what you are loving — thanks to my friends and readers that text, email, or message me what they are loving at the moment as I love to be inspired and introduced to anything new, so please share. In the meantime, have a great Thanksgiving however you plan to celebrate. I am grateful for the opportunity to write this blog and share my stories with you all, so thanks for checking in and being a part of this journey.

Anika Yael Natori, aka, The Josie Girl

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November 2017 Chill Playlist

Most of my playlists are for when I run, but here is what I like to listen to during the day when I am working on my computer (writing blogs), cooking food, getting dressed, etc…  It’s a whole different feeling than my running playlists, but there is still a lot of teeny bopper pop and electronic. I love what I love! Enjoy!


I also like to listen to music when my legs are up the wall….

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Sunny with an A

As I get older, my network of awesome and talented women keeps expanding (one of the many upsides of getting older).  One of my newest mom friends, Sana, happens to be nice, smart, sweet, inclusive, open, interesting, beautiful, and inspiring. And not only is Sana a great person, but she is also the founder of kid’s pajama company, Sunny with an A.  I recently bought a pair for Tusia, and she literally will not take them off — they are amazingly soft, perfectly thought out, and super colorful. Take a look at the interview below, and thank you, Sana! (And mom, it may be time to start doing kids!)



Sunny, indeed.

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Nut Butter Chocolate Truffles With Sea Salt

I always crave sweets right after Halloween, but instead of grabbing a Snickers (which are so delicious), I decided to make nut butter chocolate truffles with no sugar. They turned out absolutely delicious and I highly recommend making them. SO GOOD. Plus, once you make them, you put them in your freezer so you can have a stash for a long time!


TRUFFLES! Healthy ones!

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2017 NYC Marathon Recap

At this point, loyal readers are probably sick of hearing about my marathons and the recaps. I know —  I get it, in the past 4 years, I have completed 9 marathons — and in the last 7  months, THREE! There is not much more to say that is different about each race, and yet, this race is different. The NYC marathon is the most incredible marathon on the planet, and this year, when I gave up any expectations and ran to enjoy myself, was even better and more successful than imaginable. Giving up expectations, having no pressure, and just relaxing in to the moment made all the difference. I soaked up every second, looked at the views, talked to people, applauded my fellow runners, and truly enjoyed every minute.


Good or bad, I decided that my outfit for the marathon was going to be the exact same one that I wore a month ago for the Chicago marathon — yes, much colder temperature wise in NYC (my mistake in Chicago) but the shirt was a success in Chicago, so I went for it again in NYC. And man oh man, SUCCESS it was. Literally, once a minute, someone in the crowd would yell “Go Mama” — and I would yell “Thank you” and wave my hand up. It made me feel connected to the crowd and all their energy and positive vibes definitely helped.

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Greats Royale Shoes

Earlier this Fall, I saw one of my besties with the perfect shoe on, and so….I bought them for myself! They are the perfect luxe, high-end sneaker, with great Italian leather, but at an accessible price point. The brand is Greats, and great indeed they are. They are basic and subtle, but made with the most perfect quality material.


Biffle got the blush perforated version of the shoe.

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Le Botaniste

One of my favorite neighborhood go-to’s is Le Botaniste. It is perfect for days when you want to be uber healthy and are looking for a quiet place to eat and relax. Le Botaniste was concepted by the creative force behind Le Pain Quotidien (more here) and serves healthy, organic, vegan, and gluten-free meals. Although I have been over two dozen times, I always get the SAME thing — I make my own bowl.


This meal is a rainbow.

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Inside Natori: Megan, Receptionist

The past two months, Natori Team members have shared how they incorporate Natori (and Josie) into their lives and wardrobe. We have seen Talia (the Josie designer) and Mariah (E-commerce). And now we turn to Megan, the receptionist (and first impression to the company)! Thank you so much Megan! I love your sincere words, how you dress in Natori, and the love you have for your mother!


Hello Josie Girl readers! It’s me, Megan Tencza, the receptionist at Natori. The month of October is almost over, and has Natori releasing clothing and sleepwear with rich colors to go with the Fall season. October is also National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Natori is showing their support for those affected by breast cancer by “Glowing All In”. Natori will be donating 100% of October sales of our fan favorite, Feathers Bra in the Rose Glow color to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


This act of generosity and kindness from Natori means a lot to me personally since my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago at the age of 46.


Being 19 years old at the time and having your parents tell you that your mom is diagnosed with stage ­­two breast cancer was terrifying. Obviously, I assumed the worst and had begun to imagine what my life would be without her. My world seemed to just come crashing down. That was a rough year for everyone in my family because not only does cancer affect the ones diagnosed, but it also has an effect on their loved ones. My mother’s cancer luckily was not genetic, which gave my sister and I a sigh of relief for what our futures would hold for us. My mother is a prime example of why it is so important to get your annual mammograms because she would have never caught it so early otherwise. I am very grateful to say that after one surgery and a year’s worth of radiation, my mom is healthy, happy and still chugging along!


Breast Cancer walk.

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Josie Pink Pajamas

Although not a millennial, I looooooove millennial pink. I mean, come on, what is not to love about the perfect blush / pale pink? It is a neutral, but with a tiny surprise, full of romance and hope. And now Josie has not one but TWO perfect pajamas in this delicious color. Both sets are soft, luxurious, comfortable, and desirable.


The color of the moment. A grapefruit shade of apricotty salmon.

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NYC Fall To Do List 2017

HERE I GO AGAIN….another list, another set of goals…..


1. Go to a new restaurant each month.


We are spoiled in NYC with access to the best food and restaurants in the world. And yet, Ken and I have the tendency to go to the same three (who am I kidding, ONE) restaurant. So I want to make more of an effort and take advantage of all the great food around us.


There are over 850,000 (Thanks, Alexis) restaurants in NYC! So many types, cuisines, atmospheres, and experiences to try.

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22 Interiors – Fall Fix

Remember last Spring, we interviewed old friend Lucie Ayres of 22 Interiors and then she posted on The Guide to the Perfect Bedroom? Well, she is back at it again for us all! Thanks so much, Lucie! And this time she is going to give us some Fall tips for rugs, pillows, and robes! Take it away!




Fall is the BEST time of the year – it’s cooler, the cocktails are heartier, and the social calendar is filled with parties.  Many of us will have guests who spend the night or three, and why not make that the perfect excuse to revamp the guest room? Or any room, really.  All one needs to do this transformation is a great rug as the anchor, a few fun throw pillows to help set the mood and maybe something for your guest (or you) like a gorgeous robe to compliment the decor, from Natori of course.


We put together our favorite rug / pillow / robe combos to achieve a FAB FALL design update.


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September 2017 Running Playlist

Since my next marathon is 11 days away (but who is counting?), I am compiling motivational songs to help my runs and overall energy. Here is my latest running playlist. Enjoy!


Me running, or pretending to run. Looks like I am on Mars, but I am in Utah. We just returned from a short belated 10th Anniversary celebration.  Stay tuned for full details!

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Inside Natori: Mariah, Natori E-commerce / Licensing

Time for another inside look into how the Natori team incorporates Natori fashion into their lives! First, we had Josie designer, Talia. And now it is Mariah, works on both and licensing. She looks stunning and gorgeous in her Natori pieces… take a look! Thanks so much, Mariah!




Hello! This is Mariah, the e-commerce and licensing assistant at Natori. As we kick off fall, I’m happy to share how I mixed my love for kimonos with my love for the jersey shore over the past few months. My go-to ensemble at the beach has always included various wraps/kimonos to pair with my bathing suits. They are truly multi-functional, tripling as a robe for indoors, cover-up for the beach and kimono jacket for outerwear. Good thing I work where I do!


Pictured here is my latest favorite, The Xanado robe, from the Fall collection.

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Casey 2 Cook – TV Chef

Today we go behind the scenes with a TV chef (one of my favorite types of TV). Casey (aka, Casey2Cook) is a successful chef who won a season of Cooks vs. Cons! (BTW, that is my biggest nightmare — being quick and fast in the kitchen). Such an inspiration and I learned so much from the interview. Thanks so much, Casey! And FYI, her partner Steven is Natori’s E-Commerce Shipping manager!


Talented and beautiful, too! Thanks, Casey for this interview and inspiration for all of us.



How did you start cooking? What inspired you to become a chef?

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Josie Natori RTW Spring 2018 Fashion Presentation BTS

This past Tuesday, my mother-in-law had her Josie Natori Ready to Wear Spring 2018 Fashion Presentation. It was a low-key event with great press and turn out. Every Fashion presentation takes a lot of effort, organization, and design. Enjoy these behind the scene photos!


Great view for the photo shoot.

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Bathroom Shark Painting

One of my friends, Scarlett Baily, is a talented artist based in Mexico City. She is young, fun, stylish, and oh-so-cool, painting mainly caricatures of people and animals for different events and companies. Scarlett also has painted two portraits for us that are my favorite two pieces of art in our house — they make me so happy and give such a fun flair to the playroom. So when she texted me this summer that she was coming to NYC, I came up with the idea of having her paint a shark in the kids’ bathroom. You see, Cruzzie is obsessed with sharks and loves everything about them. They are his go-to stuffed animals, his favorite books.. and he can basically name every shark in existence. So I wanted something special in the kids’ bathroom to reflect his love for the animal (and yes, first child’s love is overlooked by second kid’s interests. oops). Here they are, I love the final Sharkie! It is so different, special, and unique. It brightens up the bathroom and looks fresh and young!


Mr. Sharkie!

Mr. Sharkie!

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Crap Eyewear

Yes I realize that summer is now over so sunglasses are less important. BUT, big but, there is always a time and place to wear sunglasses. I found a pair of sunglasses in June, and they immediately became my favorite pair. They are cheap (although not GAP cheap), good looking enough, durable, and snazzy (super important adjective). And they have the best name, Crap Eyewear. I know, right? The line was born in reaction to the expensive eyewear market, but the glasses are fashion forward and… affordable! Win-win.

Here I am in ny crap eyewear.

Here I am in my Crap Eyewear.

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End of Summer 2017

To us, summer is ending. We return to NYC tomorrow night after 2 plus months in Oregon, and as usual, the time flew by and summer disappeared in a *snap*. We had the best time doing a lot of nothing except for exploring Oregon and California, spending time together as a family, and taking advantage of the beautiful nature. It is fun to look back at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the summer as I accomplished ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THEM. It is almost funny, um, well sort of funny. Literally, NONE OF THEM. Take a look. Maybe looking at my failing my goals will make you feel good about yourselves!


First off, thank you to my parents for always being so generous, loving, and wonderful. They hosted many of my friends (and their families) and always let their house feel like my house. I can't thank them enough -- forever grateful for them.

First off, thank you to my parents for always being so generous, loving, and wonderful. They hosted many of my friends (and their families) and always let their house feel like my house. I can’t thank them enough — forever grateful for them. They are the reason I am who I am, and I couldn’t love them anymore (even if my mom wears socks with her birkenstocks and my dad’s fancy shoes are New Balances).

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Inside Natori: Talia, Josie Designer

Over here at the Josie Girl Blog, we thought it would be fun to have employees from The Natori Company share how they incorporate the House of Natori into their every day wardrobes. So first up is the super cool, super young, super HIP designer of the contemporary Josie collection, Talia. She has been with Natori for a couple of years, and has brought a great new energy and direction to Josie, under the tutelage of my mother in law Josie Natori. So here she is… thank you, Talia!



Hi Everyone! This is Talia (the Josie designer) taking over for the Josie Girl! This past weekend I enjoyed some much needed time in the ‘country’ with my husband, sister, and brother in law. We rented the cutest little cottage in Barryville, New York- just a short 2 hour drive from the city. The cottage was surrounded by lush greenery, fresh air and best of all decorated with an eclectic charm!


The perfect cottage with a red door.

The perfect cottage with a red door. And the matching flowers and pillows on the lounge chair. Nice coordination.

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Stanford Vacation

After spending the weekend in Costanoa, we continued our California vacation by spending a couple of days around Stanford University. As readers of the blog know, Ken and I started dating at graduate school at Stanford (although Ken and my brother were best friends and roommates at Amherst for undergraduate). It was extra special to be there with the kids and show them the various places that had an impact on our life (i.e. dating –> love –> marriage –> life –> kids). Not only did we go to Stanford, but my father did as well for graduate school (right after marrying my mother), so this place is special to the whole family, and not just me and Ken. Take a look at the pictures (and I promise this will be our last post on our vacations, as we return to NYC so soon).


My squad at the hotel.

My (good looking) squad at the hotel.

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Greetings from beautiful Northern California!  We just had an amazing weekend catching up with our Stanford friends in Costanoa. Part camping, part hotel; basically high-end roughing it. Not camping, but pretending to camp.


Our bungalow, aka a yurt. This little shelter is made up of plastic walls. Like a tent, but actually a little cottage.

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Generation UCan

A good friend of mine who happens to be a kick ass triathelete, ultra-maranother, and marathoner (slacker), turned me on to Generation UCan for fuel during my training runs and marathons. This friend is so fast and knowledgeable that whenever *she* tells you to do something, you do it.


This friend gave me a care package for one of my recent marathons, and it had everything a marathoner would want or need; water bottles, sleeves, gu blocks, and lots of UCan packages. As always, such a sweet and loving friend, thank you!

This friend gave me a care package for one of my recent marathons, and it had everything a marathoner would want or need; water bottles, sleeves, gu blocks, and lots of UCan packages. As always, such a sweet and loving friend, thank you!

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