
A MUST WATCH — Stutz! This documentary is about Jonah Hill’s therapist. It is part film, part therapy, and 100 percent worthwhile. It focuses on Jonah Hill (an actor and director)’s therapist, Phil Stutz, who he says changed his life. Stutz gives tools to Hill (and therefore to all the viewers) on how to have a better life — and I loved every part of it. We *ALL* have things to learn from this film.


You can watch “Stutz” on netflix, and I highly recommend watching this film today, tonight, ASAP.

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Athletic Greens

I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Athletic Greens through friends, podcasts, and articles, but I have never tried it until recently. It is my attempt to get more vitamins and nutrients in my body, and not just carbs carbs carbs which is what my body craves most. I have yet to figure out if it is doing anything magical and amazing to my body, but I must say that I enjoy the extra hydration and the feeling that I am TRYING to do something magical and good.


What is it? Athletic Greens is a powder with 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving. One Scoop, 8 ounces of water. It’s all you really need, really. You drink it with cold water, and voila, your body is all good.

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Vitamin C

Recently, I met an older gentleman who is a personal trainer for the stars. In our conversation, I asked him questions (shocker!) on what made the biggest difference in his training. He said varying workout intensity along with vitamins –especially Vitamin C. Then, he gave me a little pack of Vitamin C and said that this was the best brand and swears by it. So of course, as expected, I went on line and immediately ordered a box. THEN, because my iphone heard the conversation, all of a sudden, all my health and wellness influencers on instagram were highlighting this specific vitamin C!


This is the box of individual packets of Vitamin C.

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Water Kefir

I realize that Monday’s post was on a drink (hibiscus tea) but now I have to tell you all about water kefir — my newest obsession! And yes, apparently I am on a drink kick! And makes sense because it has been over 100 degrees the past week in Oregon….yes, I have been melting! In any case, I have always had a love hate relationship with kombucha. I love it, but it has made me (violently) sick and so I had to quit for a decade. I have successfully only had good batches in the past year, but I still am weary about it. That said, I always love looking at the drink aisle in the hippy dippy grocery stores because they always have the best products. And lo and behold, that is how I first found out about water kefir — a probiotic water. It is similar to kombucha, as they are both fermented and probiotic rich. But they taste slightly different and as of now, I am preferring water kefir.


This was one of the brands that I love — made in Oregon, great flavor of ginger and lime. Fizzy, delicious, and hydrating.

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Wiggle Your Toes

Congratulations to all of us for making it through another week of this pandemic. I know it is not easy on anyone. And like everyone, I oscillate between tears / anxiety and laughter / savoring the quiet simplicity.  For us Natori Family, I am struggling with the fact that the kids and I are currently in Florida away from our own home and more importantly, without Ken. Ken has been at home in NYC dealing with business and as soon as he was planning on driving down to Florida to get us, the board of the building forbade him from coming as he was coming from the epicenter of the COVID crisis. So, here we are; managing, trying to get through one day at a time. It has not been easy on ANYONE — all the uncertainties, fears, unknowns. Running helps me. Talking to friends and family. Laughing with the kids. Mint Chip ice cream. Rollerskating with the sunset. Hot baths. Survivor on CBS…..But what has helped me most is advice my father told me — WIGGLE YOUR TOES.



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ImmuneSchein Ginger Elixir

A friend recently gifted me ImmuneSchein ginger elixirs gift pack and I can’t get enough. These elixirs can be added to hot water, sparkling water, or any beverage to create your own special drink. I typically have a hard time drinking the recommended amount of water every dat (always my New Year’s Resolution), so adding these elixirs to my water is the perfect way to consume more.


little potions

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Chai Cashew Butter

I have always been a Peanut Butter Princess, devouring spoonfuls of peanut butter by the gallons. Especially during marathon training, I crave the richness and fattiness of peanut butter, almond butter and any nut butter even more. So when I came across “Chai Cashew Butter” in the new Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow cookbook, I knew that it was something I was going to fall in love with. And sure enough, once I made it, I could not stop eating it. It is rich, full of protein and good fats, sweet and filling. The perfect snack before a run, or to keep me going on a given day. Creamy, smooth, and tasty. A must eat and a must make!


Final product. I could sell this on the street and people would line up for it — that good!

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Pilates with Ashlee

Although I have never met IRL Ashlee Carignan, she is the new hot pilates teacher in LA. Strong, cool, motivated, interesting, and fun, we were put in touch when Ashlee agreed to participate in Natori Caftan Day (thanks Mary!). Always interested in health, wellness, fitness, and cool, I had the chance to interview sweetheart Ashlee, so take a look. Thanks so much, Ashlee, and I can’t wait to come to Los Angeles and take a class from you!


Beauty Ashlee of PWA (Pilates With Ashlee)

Beauty Ashlee of PWA (Pilates With Ashlee)


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Onda Beauty

As a devoted regular of Taryn Toomey and her class, I have met a group of tremendously talented and incredible women. One of them, is Larissa, who just started Onda, a store that sells natural beauty products. She has incredible taste and has curated the best assortment of products currently on the market. She is incredibly thoughtful, knowledgeable, and is a walking encyclopedia on every item — Enjoy!


Larissa: a beauty inside and out!

Larissa: a beauty inside and out!

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Natural Deodorant: Agent Nateur

I am constantly on the search for several things: the best granola, natural deodorant, lipstick, and cookie (who needs anything else?). For each, I always think I have found “the best,” until my next new discovery. But honestly, I just found the best new natural deodorant, and I don’t think I will ever say that again… because THIS ONE, is seriously… The. Best. Natural. Deodorant. Ever.


Don't judge a book by its cover, but COME ON, this packaging is gorgeous. Seriously, I felt bad recycling the box! (But I am not a hoarder, and what would one do with a deodorant box anyways!)

Don’t judge a book by its cover, but COME ON, this packaging is gorgeous. Seriously, I felt bad recycling the box!

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Smarty Pants Vitamins

Don’t you love how small the world is and how everyone is connected somehow and someway? Well, lo and behold, I recently was introduced to the CEO of my newest find and obsession, Smarty Pants Vitamins. I first came across them at the Chicago Marathon, where they placed a sample of their vitamins in the goody bag from the race expo. Upon trial (I love freebies with good marketing and packaging), I was hooked! These vitamins are delicious, smart, and healthy. Read more to find out about the company from the founder and CEO, Courtney! Thank you, Courtney!


Smarty Pants: First grabbed me by the packaging, and then won me over by the taste, health benefits, and the company itself.

Smarty Pants: First grabbed me by the packaging, and then won me over by the taste, health benefits, and the company itself.

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3 Chia Products

Currently obsessed with chia seeds. Because, hey, why not? But really, they have a lot of good things from them (like their omega 3 oils!), which make you healthier, right??? That simple! Eat em, and you will be long, lean, healthy, and beautiful! So here are my favorite chia products. On trend!


Chia! DELICIOUS treats that turn you into a health nut.

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Summer 13 Nutrition Tips

Now that it is August, it’s the perfect time to finish the summer on a good note with some nutritional advice from the lovely and talented, Dr. Jana Klauer. Featured on JGB twice before (last summer and early 2013), Dr. Klauer continues to motivate, inspire, and educate all of us. So, thank you Dr. Klauer for sharing more wisdom and science, and helping us commit to a healthy and active lifestyle!

dr. klauer

The ever so beautiful and smart, Dr. Jana Klauer!

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Urban Moonshine Bitters

For some horrible reason, my tum tum has been killing me recently. Like SHARP AWFUL pains, nausea, gas, on and on and on. Not fun. (Yes, I am going to the doctor soon, as my pains are unreal). So a friend told me to try bitters to aid my digestion.

The only type of organic bitters sold at The Meadow is Urban Moonshine. So, I happily picked up a bottle and tried it immediately.  The listed benefits of bitters are staggering! Bitters soothe gas and bloating, relieve occasional heartburn, and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.  There are about a million other things they are supposed to help with too.


Three different varieties of bitters: original, citrus, and maple.

Bitters original.

Bitters original.

The theory behind bitters is fascinating. Everyone is supposed to consume daily the 5 main flavors: sweet, salty, sour, umami, and bitter. Each flavor has a different effect on the body, and bitter flavor effects the digestion. Unfortunately, current diets focus mainly on sweet and salty, and lack bitter.  So bitter supplements in theory help your body balance.



I am so excited to make this a part of my daily health regime. It’s only been a week, but my stomach is already feeling better.  I am going to keep going with this, and hopefully my repeated stomach problems will permanently go away.

Digestion relief.

Digestion relief.

You can buy Urban Moonshine bitters on their website. Happy Spring — a toast to getting our bodies working correctly, and feeling great. Have a good weekend!

Eco-Friendly Toothbrush

What can make a toothbrush deserve its own blog post?  A commitment to environmentalism and a unique subscription option that is affordable and good for your teeth!  Not to mention unique packaging, materials and bent-body design.



preserve. indeed.

preserve. indeed.

Preserve launched in 1997 with this incredible toothbrush. They make the toothbrush, and then when you are done with it, you can send it back to them so a partner company can grind it up and turn it into plastic lumber for other plastic goods (picnic tables, park benches, the sorts). It is the epitome of recycling! Preserve toothbrushes are sold on drugstore, amazon, and even Whole Foods.



Yep, it is made from 100% recycled, BPA-free, #5 plastic (for some incredibly interesting research on plastic, take a look at Dr. Giora Proskurowski‘s work. FASCINATING stuff) and the toothbrush bristles are made of new nylon (germaphobes, no need to worry).

Feminine body

Feminine body.

For an annual $15 subscription fee, Preserve will deliver a new Toothbrush every three months (just what the dentist orders!). It’s actually a great deal.  For those who can’t wait, Recycline offers four American-made brushes in a bulk pack, complete with return-mail packs. Amazing, right? Happy Brushing your teeth! ESPECIALLY AFTER ALL THE EASTER CANDY FROM YESTERDAY! Have a great week!!

Juice Generation

Recently, I have become seriously into (nice way of saying “obsessed”) with Juice Generation‘s hot drinks (Juice Farmacy). Mind you, everything from Juice Generation is delicious (my favorites outside of the hot drinks include the pacific pineapple smoothie, the ginger miso tofu sandwich, and the amazing green acai bowl), but the hot drinks are especially addicting. They are warm, comforting, nutritious, and FIGHT OFF THE FLU EPIDEMIC!!! SHOO SHOO FLU!

Juice Generation is a NYC Juice Bar that started in 1999, created by Eric Helms. His mission was to have a friendly, accessible juice bar where New Yorkers of all lifestyles, ages, and dietary backgrounds could experience the energizing effects of fresh, raw juices made with premium ingredients—conveniently and affordably. And boy did he do so! Juice Generation now has 10 locations in Manhattan and more to come!

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Love breakfast food. Love. Cereal, oatmeal, eggs, pancakes, granola, yogurt, and especially muesli. My parents are good ‘ol Europeans and like to eat Muesli most mornings for breakfast. They simply add the flakes with buttermilk or kefir, and devour it. While I like that version, once I discovered the true way to make museli, I fell head over heels in love. WATCH OUT KEN.


* Swiss muesli flakes

* Some type of milk

* Some types of fruit (I like raspberries, apple, banana, blueberries)


You can really put any fruit and liquid with the flakes to make a delicious muesli.


* Easy peasy. Place all of the fruit into a cup.

* Cover the fruit layer with muesli.

* Cover the fruit-muesli with milk.

* Store in fridge for 1-24 hours. THIS IS KEY. The muesli flakes expand and soak up the liquid, forming an oatmeal textured smooth bite.

Grating an apple really just juices it....oh and a half a banana adds some sweetness and depth to the muesli, too.

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