I have always been a Peanut Butter Princess, devouring spoonfuls of peanut butter by the gallons. Especially during marathon training, I crave the richness and fattiness of peanut butter, almond butter and any nut butter even more. So when I came across “Chai Cashew Butter” in the new Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow cookbook, I knew that it was something I was going to fall in love with. And sure enough, once I made it, I could not stop eating it. It is rich, full of protein and good fats, sweet and filling. The perfect snack before a run, or to keep me going on a given day. Creamy, smooth, and tasty. A must eat and a must make!
* 3 cups of raw cashews
* 3 tablespoons of coconut sugar
* 2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
* 1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
* 1 teaspoon ground ginger
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
* Combine everything in a food processor!
You can store it in the fridge for up to 3 months, but let me tell you, I don’t think that this will last me a WEEK!
Thank you for sharing the recipe!!!!!!
If you’re ever feeling unhealthy you should give cookie butter a try!!! its so good!!!!!
WOOOW talk about a multitasker. I can barely handle cooking my kids breakfast and getting them dressed properly in time for school.