ImmuneSchein Ginger Elixir

A friend recently gifted me ImmuneSchein ginger elixirs gift pack and I can’t get enough. These elixirs can be added to hot water, sparkling water, or any beverage to create your own special drink. I typically have a hard time drinking the recommended amount of water every dat (always my New Year’s Resolution), so adding these elixirs to my water is the perfect way to consume more.


little potions

What *IS* an elixir? An elixir is simply a drink that has some medicinal value in it, including lowering blood sugar levels, helping with weight loss, killing bacteria. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory benefit and is a strong anti-oxidant. Lemon water aids in digestion, boosts energy and strengthens your immune system. The Immuneschein Ginger elixirs are created from 100% real food ingredients with the base of organic ginger root, organic lemon juice, and New York state honey. From there, they add additional flavors. It is the perfect drink to start the day!



So many delicious flavors to choose from.

How to make.




You can purchase these elixirs at over 100 different stores throughout the Northeast. Or online here! As we head in to cooler temperatures and a seasonal shift, I am excited to have a new way to start my day off.

Josie Girl


  1. Look at those flavors!!!! I’m definitely going to try these now that flu season is upon us!

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