Summer Grilling: Fruit

With summer officially coming to an end in a few weeks, grilling season in the Northeast is starting to wind down. Readers of the blog know that I try to provide healthier takes on every day meals and recipes.  I (aka, master griller Ken) did a previous post on Grilled Artichokes, and now… Grilled Fruit!


Fruit basket

Ken is in charge of (and loves) grilling.  But if it were up to him, our grilled meals would include a lot more cheeseburgers, flank steak, and ribs than I am comfortable with.  So, we try to compromise by always grilling some fish and meat, and by including vegetables, and now, fruit.  Grilling fruit is a great way to encourage fruit consumption, and the heat brings out more of the natural sugars.  Delicious and healthy!

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Summer Grilling: Artichokes

Summer is here! While it may not say so on the calendar quite yet, the rush of heat and humidity in the Northeast definitely has the Josie Girl thinking of summer.   Long days, (stifling humidity), beach and swimming, (stinky garbage), and… grilling!

While most people associate grilling with burgers, hot dogs, and other various forms of meat, Ken and I emphasize vegetables just as much as meat and fish.  Grilled vegetables are simple, healthy, and incredibly flavorful.  Last summer, Ken decided to start grilling artichokes.  While more complicated and easier to mess up than other vegetables, when done correctly, grilled artichokes are impossible to beat. Without further ado, here is the Josie Guy… and a lot of pictures.  Enjoy!

Artichokes, washed under water. Cut off the bottom inch or inch-and-a-half of the stem...

See these spines? We don't like them. Cut off the top of each leaf with scissors...

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