Currently Loving October 2023

There is a lot of sadness and heartache in the world right now — it is all so hard to hear and read. So here is what I am currently loving right now.


1. Pumpkin Banana Pudding


I know it sounds weird — but it might have been the most amazing and delicious thing I have ever eaten. HIGHLY recommend. It tasted like pumpkin cheesecake and was so rich and decadent, and I finished the whole thing (over the period of a couple of days).

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Sport Studs

My daughter is not allowed to wear earrings for sports at school. Because of this, there have been times that she puts earrings on and then takes them off at school before sports, or times that she doesn’t wear her earrings for long extended periods of time. In both cases, her ear piercings are not happy with her. Her ears are sensitive and the off and on continuously irritates them, and when she doesn’t wear earrings, they partially close up. THANKFULLY, we came up with a genius solution that I had never heard about, and so want to share with you all — sport studs.


Clear Sport Studs! Hypoallergenic silicone studs!

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Currently Loving September 2023

Here is what I am loving this month! And as always, please email / text / call / message me with everything and anything you love — I truly love hearing the little snippets of joy that you enjoy, too!


1. Manet x Degas Exhibition at The Met


One of the beauties of NYC is the access to all the museums. As I walk by the Met every single day to get to my daughter’s school, I became a member, and love popping in just for a quick look. On Thursday, on a whim, I stopped by the newly opened “Manet x Degas” — there was no line (I went an hour before closing) and IT WAS AMAZING. I loved every single thing about the exhibition and learned so much! I had no idea that Manet and Degas were friends and the similarities and differences between the two. I stayed for an hour, and will go back to soak it all in again. I highly recommend. And great to go when no line!

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Volunteer with NYC Parks

This past weekend was the most rainy and depressing weekend in NYC in a long time. There was not a minute of sunshine and it absolutely poured rain for 99.9 percent of the time. That said, we had committed to volunteer with NYC Parks doing a park cleanup on 114th Street at Thomas Jefferson Park and we did not want to cancel just because it was raining. Despite the bad weather, the four of us had a great afternoon and loved giving back to the parks. I hope to do this more often — they need all the help that they can get.


It poured the entire time. We planted 200 plus bulbs that will produce purple flowers in the early Spring.

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Long Island City

This past weekend, we were in the city with no plans on Saturday night. Although I love nothing more than a night in, we decided to go on a field trip to Long Island City, where I had not been in years. And HOLY COW — it is SOOOOOOOOOOO different and a city in itself (hence the name). It was super easy to get to in the car (just over the 59th street bridge) and fun to explore a new part of our backyard. I can’t wait to go back there and eat at different restaurants, see the sights, and experience a different part of our eclectic city.


Trip over the bridge with the iconic sign “Silver Cup”

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The Retrievals – Podcast

It has been a good long while since I have listened to a series on a podcast — 2014(!!!) with Serial.  So when a friend told me that I had to listen to The Retrievals and I finally found a big chunk of time (urgent care waiting to be seen after a stray cat bit me), I started. And once you start, you cannot stop.




The series is composed of 5 episodes produced from Serial Production and The New York Times. It is the story of dozens of women who went to Yale Fertility Center for their egg retrievals (egg freezing or IVF), and endured incredible pain, as a result of their nurse swapping their pain medicine with saline water to feed her own drug addiction. It is an incredible series with all sides looked at and examined.

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Things to do this Sept / Oct

I know school just started, but man, how is it already mid month??? Here is a list of things I want to do in the next couple of weeks!


1. Visit Picasso in Fontainebleu at the MoMa


I love going to museums — especially when it is just for one exhibit and then leave. I am excited for this exhibit which comes at the start of October.


2. See Manet / Degas at the Met


A friend saw this in Paris this past summer and said it was one of the best exhibits she has seen. I can’t wait to go — end of this month!


3. Eat at the Golden Steamer


I have heard great things about this chinese bakery, and it just opened up another location, so will definitely be checking it out! Steamed buns! Moon cakes!


4. Watch Jaja’s African Hair Braiding on Broadway


I love everything that Manhattan Theatre Club puts on, and this is looks great. I hope to go during the time it is on Broadway!


5. Read a book


This list looks great — I really, really need to get back on track and start reading more! I want to — I just need to focus more!


6. Make something at the Brooklyn Craft Company


There is a HUGE list of different types of classes, and I cannot wait to try one out!


7. Relax at the World Spa


This place looks unbelievable. I want to go STAT.


8. Watch Taylor Swift Eras Tour Movie


I mean, who is NOT excited for this?????


What do you want to do in the next couple of months? Do share!

Anika Yael Natori, aka, The Josie Girl

Blog Home Page

Currently Loving August 2023

I realize that August is practically over, but wanted to squeeze in with some of the things I love right now!


1. Taylor Swift Maroon


can NOT stop. This is one of my absolute favorite songs right now. Must listen to. Taylor did not perform this at her concert, but because I have been on a deep Taylor Swift dive, I am listening and loving them all.


2.  Nike

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Lavender Sachets

Yesterday, after my long run, we had a lull in what activity we were going to do. I was not highly motivated to get the kids on a bike or take a hike (and they surely didn’t want to do it unless I encouraged them to do so), so my mom asked if we could drive out to the McKenzie River Highway and pick up some lavender buds to make some lavender sachets. So although I hate to drive, we have been LOVING listening to Taylor Swift in the car, so we jumped in to the car and went on our adventure. We went to get the lavender buds in order to make homemade lavender sachets (thank you, Mama for the great idea for the afternoon!).


Gorgeous fields of lavender.

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The Oregon Coast

The Oregon Coast is one of the most majestic and unique places to visit. It is not tropical or very warm, but it is a scenic escape from inland. On very hot days in Eugene, we love to go to the Oregon coast where it will easily be 30 degrees colder. Also, when it is smokey in Eugene (which unfortunately it has been the past week due to the wildfires), the coast is a nice relief with the wind and little to no smoke. If you ever go to Oregon, I highly suggest visiting the coastline and seeing all the natural beauty the state has to offer.


One of my favorite places to visit on the coast is inland at a friend’s cabin. Her house is on a lake (which is 1/2 mile away from the ocean). You can canoe and kayak and play on the tunes — but you are on a lake.

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Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

I copied a dear friend who makes biscuits for her dog — and now you should do the same! They were a fun (and easy) activity — and healthy and delicious for the dog! They are vegetarian (not vegan as they contain milk) and not gluten free because they have flour! But come on, still good and yummy for the dogs!


End result! Don’t YOU want to make these for your dogs???

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Souleiado Hats

I can never own too many hats — I wear them all day, everyday during the summer, every summer. And this summer, when in Provence, we stumbled upon a french store that had the cutest straw hats. I went to get my mom and I both hats, and then I loved my mom’s style so much (we got different styles), I went BACK to get the same style. They are versatile, light, fashionable, and will never go out of style. So yes, although it is almost the end of the summer, I  am telling you about these two hats from Souleiado because they are that good. (Souleiado is a local Provence store with many locations all over France that specializes in “Provence lifestyle.”




The bob hat. Easy and simple.

On my mama.

Cruzzie also loved wearing the hat. Here, they are twins eating ice cream.

Yes, hats are a PAIN to travel with and I need a solution to this problem asap. In the meantime, I ask the kids to wear some, and I stack the rest and put in my bag.

So guapo,

So many pictures of him wearing this hat.




More classic french.

I love the long brim and the black tie. More girlie.



Anyone else have other hat recommendations they love? Or a travel solution for hats? Hope you have a great week! And I am back with my 3 times a week posting dont you worry! So many ideas right now!!!

Anika Yael Natori, aka, The Josie Girl

Blog Home Page

Turkish Crystals

After our gulet trip in Turkey, the kids and I returned to the United States, whereas my parents continued to travel around in Turkey for another 9 days. One of their favorite stops was the spice market in Istanbul. My mother, an incredible cook, got suckered into spending a fortune on spices (more on that in a future post) — and yet, they have not gone unused. Quite the contrary, we have been using them daily since she returned to Oregon. Our favorite, is a Turkish crystal / spice that you put in a cup with hot water and inhale. It is like Vicks Vapor Rub — but natural.  My mother was told that it was a cure all for everything — congestion, cough, sore throat, depression, anxiety, you name it. And I have to say, that it feels AMAZING when you inhale it.


My parents bought a ton — and are freezing the bulk of it — to keep it fresh. All you need is a little bit.

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Taylor Swift 7/22/23

Yes, it happened. I went to a Taylor Swift concert. And it was better than I ever imagined — and I can NOT wait to go again sometime soon (world tour 2024, here I come!). I went in excited but not knowing much, and came out a total Swiftie. I am 100% more obsessed than I thought would be possible. Taylor Swift is incredible — talented, musical, beautiful, genuine, authentic, and a total rockstar. I love her so much — a new love!


We were incredibly fortunate to have been given access to tickets last minute through a friend of Ken’s (who happens to be the founder of the record company TS is under). They were incredible seats and we feel very very fortunate. All that said, we decided to drive up instead of fly. What should have been a 5 hour drive ended up being 6.5 hours. NOT FUN. But we did see a lot of other cars that were driving to the concert….

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KasMaria Floral Hat

OOPS sorry for that hiatus — it was not my intention to go rogue on the blog, but I was in Europe traveling around, and even though it was relaxing and not busy, I didn’t have the motivation to put these together. I apologize! But now I am in Oregon and am MOTIVATED and ready for so many great posts — so BE PREPARED. THE BLOG IS BACK. I already have so many ideas to share with you all! First up, is my new favorite floral hat. Years ago, I purchased a pair of floral shorts made in NYC (as seen here) and I have worn them and loved them oh so for the past 3 years. I finally purchased another item from KasMaria, and this time, my floral hat.


This was taken on Sunday — our first day in Oregon — totally jetlagged after 3 hours of sleep, but we still went on a hike. And I love my new hat so much.

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Paris Recommendations 2023

I know everyone has their list of favorite places in Paris and what’s the best thing to do, but here is my current list of favorite activities I did this past month while in Paris.





This restaurant was recommended to me by a french friend — and it was perfect in every way. VEGETABLES, ONLY FRENCH, ROOF TOP, BEAUTIFUL. I loved every second.

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Summer Games

Hello! Or should I say Bonjour! I am so sorry for the lack of posts in the past two weeks — it has been a whirlwind of 10 days of sightseeing and being a tourist in Paris, and am now finally in Provence with a slower pace of life. So much to write on all different subjects (the best Parisian restaurants, French beauty products, must do’s in Paris, etc…) but as I ease my way back into connecting with the internet, and with the posts, I thought it would be best to write a post on Games! We picked these two games up in Paris and we LOVE them so much that we cannot stop playing them. I highly suggest getting them for all your summer fun — they are quick, easy to learn, and fun for every age group.


When we were in Paris on a rainy weekend, we ended up at my exchange sister’s home for a snack, which turned into dinner and games. It was so much fun as I have a long long history with Elsa, my french sister, who I love very much. And it was so fun to be with her husband (sadly her kids and parents were not there), but we had a great time. AND LEARNED these games!

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Currently Loving June 2023 #1

HOLY CRAP IT IS JUNE AND I AM IN DISBELIEF AND SO BEHIND IN EVERYTHING WITH LIFE. Including blog posts. Apologies, here I am! It is one thing after another and next week, I have to take my dog to Oregon and the week after, I leave NYC for the summer. Gulp. Lots to do. So without further ado, here is what I am currently loving!


1. Emmy Squared Pizza


Detroit style pizza — crusty, scrumptious, cheesy, and ever so delicious. Highly recommend.


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Board Night

Inspired by a Tik-Tok trend, my daughter with her friends planned a “board night.” Basically, a fancy rebranding of a “potluck,’ The girls with their partners created “boards” with different themes — dessert, movie, candy, drinks, savory dip, sweet dip, and sushi. Then, they all came together to assemble the boards and have dinner together. It was a perfect way to celebrate the end of school — truly a great night.


Girls getting together and putting their boards together.

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Warhol at The Brant Foundation

I absolutely love the Brant Foundation in the East Village. Years back, they featured Brant’s collection of Basquiat, and it was so amazing that I went back 3 or 4 times (with my girlfriends, kids, my brother, etc…). The space of the foundation itself is magical and beautiful, and the artwork itself is incredible. So, this past weekend, I went with my son and his brother-from-another-mother (aka his best friend), and we visited the newest exhibition, Andy Warhol. This collection contains over 100 pieces of artwork — all but one personally owned by Peter Brant. The only piece of art not owned by Brant is this huge Mao silkscreen on loan by The Met (and Brant donated it to the Met years ago). This exhibit is open to the public until July 31st and I HIGHLY recommend going. Plus, there are so many fun and different restaurants nearby, that you can make it an extra special outing!


You start on the top floor (4th) and then walk down the stairs to the rest of the floors.

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Chick Chick

Over the weekend, we wanted to eat a delicious sandwich (any kind of sandwich, just delicious), so I did some research (thank you google) and came across the BEST FRIED CHICKEN SANDWICH in New York City. It was absolutely incredible and warranted this title. So if you are in NYC, crave a fried chicken sandwich, then I *HIGHLY* recommend traveling to the Upper West Side and going to Chick Chick.


Chick Chick opened a year ago by chef Jun Park, who wanted to create a restaurant with his two most favorite foods: fried chicken and ramen.

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