The Retrievals – Podcast

It has been a good long while since I have listened to a series on a podcast — 2014(!!!) with Serial.  So when a friend told me that I had to listen to The Retrievals and I finally found a big chunk of time (urgent care waiting to be seen after a stray cat bit me), I started. And once you start, you cannot stop.




The series is composed of 5 episodes produced from Serial Production and The New York Times. It is the story of dozens of women who went to Yale Fertility Center for their egg retrievals (egg freezing or IVF), and endured incredible pain, as a result of their nurse swapping their pain medicine with saline water to feed her own drug addiction. It is an incredible series with all sides looked at and examined.

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Must Listen to Podcasts

Every Wednesday, I drive several hours to visit my sister-from-another-mister for the day. Despite my distaste in driving, I absolutely love and cherish our time together and wouldn’t miss this time in the world. Therefore, I have begun to embrace the time spent in the car. During these hours in the car, I have renewed my love of podcasts and cry / laugh / feel while listening to them. Here are my recent podcasts I have listened to and have *thoroughly* enjoyed. It is never too late to listen to them, they are all so good.


Truly family. I feel so fortunate that our family members are all bonded and glued together and the love is deep. There have been moments when all four of us are on separate calls with each of them — all at the same time. So my weekly drives to visit are essential, a no brainer, and worth every second.

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Confession: The past week I have not been holiday shopping, running, sleeping, or socializing. Instead, I have been listening to “Serial” from start to end in 4 days time. Some of you may know what I am talking about — the story line, the who, the what, the details. Others, may think I am referring to “cereal” and not understanding my mish-mash-grammar (not the first time). So what is it, for those of you not on the band wagon? Serial is a podcast from WBEZ Chicago. It is a spin off from “This American Life” about a real true story murder mystery of a reporter piecing back together a murder and trial in Baltimore, Maryland from 1999. I first read about it on many different blogs, then the NYTimes, and then I wanted to fit in, so I did it. I downloaded the podcast and I just sat and listened. To say I was hooked is a lie — I was engrossed and obsessed. I started on a Friday and finished on a Tuesday — all 10 episodes that were available then (they come out each Thursday). And LORD, is it GOOD!!!!


Team Serial

Team Serial

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