Currently Loving December 2023

LAST MONTH OF THE YEAR holy hell. How did we get here? Where are we? What day is it? Ok, here is what I am loving this month.


1. Shel Silverstein Quote


I love Shel Silverstein (I can still recite so many of his poems by heart) and I really love this quote.

2. Spotify Wrapups


I love at the end of the year when Spotify looks at your data and tells you the obvious — your favorite genres, songs, etc…I mean, I am not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed. Top 3 percent listener?!?!?!


3. Fun Ornaments


Elton John was Cruzzie’s first concert (this summer in Paris) and so when I saw this ornament, I had to get it!


4. Maison Mayle Dress


I bought this dress on sale (from one of my favorite designers of all times) and I love it. I plan to wear it on many different occasions — dressy or casual!


5. Cute Mural in Soho


I did a double take — but I knew that a cat wouldn’t be that big, so realized it was a mural.


6. Danny and the Deep Blue Sea


LOVED this play. Superb acting (the girl from White Lotus). A must see.


7. o.5 selfies


Apparently 0.5 lens is what all the young kids take all their photos in. It is very hard to do selfies with, but my kids insist that that is what you do, so here I am!!!! (and yes, I am late to the game).


8. Hairbows


Gwenyth Paltrow’s daughter and her bow — kinda love it but might not be brave enough to try it….



What are you loving this month? Do share!

Josie Girl

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