Turkish Crystals

After our gulet trip in Turkey, the kids and I returned to the United States, whereas my parents continued to travel around in Turkey for another 9 days. One of their favorite stops was the spice market in Istanbul. My mother, an incredible cook, got suckered into spending a fortune on spices (more on that in a future post) — and yet, they have not gone unused. Quite the contrary, we have been using them daily since she returned to Oregon. Our favorite, is a Turkish crystal / spice that you put in a cup with hot water and inhale. It is like Vicks Vapor Rub — but natural.  My mother was told that it was a cure all for everything — congestion, cough, sore throat, depression, anxiety, you name it. And I have to say, that it feels AMAZING when you inhale it.


My parents bought a ton — and are freezing the bulk of it — to keep it fresh. All you need is a little bit.

The amount in my dad’s palm that we put in a cup.

In cup — you just add a little bit of hot water. And then inhale.

It works so well that Cruzzie who is congested, asks daily if he can use it as it helps clear up his sinuses.

You just breathe it in.

Super easy. And then it evaporates so you need to inhale it quickly. Promise that this is legal — sounds illegal as I type this.



To buy, go here. To read more about these crystals, go here. Trust me — these little pieces of organic nature are incredible. I am SO excited to have these during the cold winter months of NYC and help us all with our colds and coughs.

Josie Girl


  1. Correction: in the picture of my hand is a week’s stash of the crystal. And it is legal (at least in Turkey, jk.) Also, we bought it in the Grand Bazaar, Spice Market is somewhere else in Istanbul.

  2. I remember trying inhaling some menthol crystals in hot water at a Turkish supermarket in Kusadasi. I absolutely could not stand the overpowering smell but this absolutely worked in clearing my sinuses!

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