Blueberry Bake Off

Over the weekend, we went blueberry picking again, and decided to have a bake off that afternoon with the blueberries we picked!


The blueberry patch is located on the McKenzie River. It is a farther drive than the farm we usually go to, but they have 80 different types of blueberries and it is all organic and super beautiful, so it’s worth the extra drive.

Another cool thing about this farm, is that you get a little backpack to help carry the blueberries and then you have BOTH hands to pick!

In action…..

10 pounds of blueberries — 25 dollars! Worth it!

We each picked a recipe. Cruzzie made scones. He has NEVER baked in his whole life and so it was fun to watch him — he found a you tube video and was watching it while he baked.

Tusia made blueberry muffins with streusel on top.

I did a galette.

Scones and you tube video.

The four different recipes (another blueberry muffin recipe, too).


Double yum.


A full packed day — we can’t wait to do this with another fruit (Peaches are late this year, but we will go later this week and do the same with them).

Blueberry Frozen Yogurt

One of my favorite activities in the Pacific Northwest is to go fruit picking in the summer. Raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blueberries and peaches. Yesterday, I went blueberry picking (the season is almost over) and within an hour we had over 7 pounds of fresh, delicious, beautiful, organic and inexpensive berries ($19 for 7 pounds).


I love this one blueberry picking spot — right near one of my favorite hikes — but there are so many different places you can go and get the berries.

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