Mid July, here we are. Second half of the year, here, too! Here is what I am currently loving this month:
1. Martha Stewart’s Blueberry Crisp Recipe

We went blueberry picking this week and picked over 12 pounds of blueberry. So I decided to make a blueberry crisp (and follow a recipe!) I made two of these crisps (used 6 pounds of blueberries) and found this recipe perfect — not too sweet, but light and refreshing.
2. Salty Butter

I eat a lot of butter (I love it so much) and this is my new favorite one. It is rich with the crunch of salt flakes. SO GOOD.

I love tiny cans of wine! Especially local wine! And rose. This one hits the spot.
4. Hacks

I absolutely LOVED every episode of this show and cannot recommend it enough. I watched it in 3 days and sobbed at the end. I love, love, LOVED it. A must watch.
5. Rufus du Sol newest single ‘Alive’

I have been a Rufus fan for years and they just released a new single for the first time in a long time. It is a great song to run with.
6. Dog Backpack

We do a lot of biking in Oregon, but I hated the fact that we left Stevie behind. So I bought this backpack so she can join in the fun. She actually LOVES being in it and getting wind on her face!
That is what I am currently loving this month! I love when you share with me what you are currently loving, so send me your recommendations and thoughts!