WHOA here we are. September. Kids are finally in school (I miss them) and it feels like we never had a break. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. Here are random things that I am loving!
1. Hazelnuts

I ate these in one sitting. I love hazelnuts (they are grown everywhere in Oregon) and this combination of sweet and salty are to die for. I bought these to bring back to NYC but then ate them that same day. Oops.

I am a sucker for any weird chili crunch flavor, and this company makes some unique ones — everything bagel chili crunch (delicious) and pizza topping chili crunch (also good). Try!
3. Rendez Vous by Rufus du Sol

Love Rufus. Love this song. Was reminded of it when I was in a vintage clothing store (my 14 year old boy discovered thrifting and loves it). Must listen to.
4. Last Licks of Summer Hikes

I love you, Oregon.
5. BFF Wedding

My childhood bestie of 40 years got married this past weekend in Harlem. It was a beautiful and unique wedding — and loved being there.
6. US Open

Hands down my favorite two weeks in NYC — not just because I love tennis, but also because my dad comes for the two weeks and we watch so much tennis together. I love every single moment. I am actually going to be so sad when it’s over. Then I have to wait until January to watch tennis again! This year, I took Tusia and she had the best best best best time of her life.
7. Artist in the Met

Went to the Met with my papa, and saw this incredible artist drawing this artifact. Moments like this, I am thankful for NYC (other moments, I am not).

Poppie Press — two more of my Family Photo Albums arrived — I love them so much.
OK, now GO, your turn! Tell me what you are loving! Happy September! Happy Fall!