Coconut Lotion

Frequent readers of the blog know that I am royally obsessed with coconuts. See here and here and here and here. And not just to drink or eat, but also to smell. The smell is so tropical and laid back, that when I smell coconut, I instantly think of vacation. Yep, vacationing in NYC with concrete, vertical, grey, massive buildings and coconut oil. Livin the vida loca.

Monoi Tiare Tahiti

So, no shocker, when I came across Monoi Tiare Tahiti Coconut lotion, it was an instant buy. Throw back to the 80s when my family had a Tahitian exchange student. Tehani, from Tahiti.  She brought my family soap and lotion as gifts for hosting her. Best trade off EVER! I would host a dozen of Tahitian students just for more access to soaps, oils, and lotions from Tahiti. It is like vacation, right?

Tahitian Princess.

Tahitian Princess > Princess Kate

The Original Monoi oil was created in 1942 and continues to sell well throughout Europe and on the West Coast. Monoi Tiare Tahiti is a French-Tahitian cosmetic oil consisting of pure coconut oil and the fragrance of tiare, the Tahitian Gardenia.

Pina Colada please?

Pina Colada please?

Pineapple smoothie with a pink umbrella?

Pineapple smoothie with a pink umbrella?

Pure coconut oil is an essential secret for beautiful skin and hair as it is a natural replacement for the body’s skin and hair oils. This particular lotion smells divine (a delightful fragrance of island flowers) and melts away your dryness, hydrating every inch of your body. Plus, think: buying this lotion is WAYYYYY cheaper than going on a real vacation to somewhere tropical. To buy, go here.

And remember: two more days to enter to win one of 5 Josie Baggus that I am giving away.  Details here.

Have a great rest of the week!

Josie Girl


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