Breathe Magazine

I have had a difficult 2022 where I have simply had to relearn how to breathe and stay still. It has not been an easy process but I am learning to try to stay in the present, breathe, and be kind to myself. As cheesy as it sounds, my mother sent me several issues of “Breathe” magazine, and I absolutely love reading them and having them remind me of these tools and meditations. I love to sit and read them (again and again and again) from cover to cover, or just a page here and there.


Three different issues, all with the same concepts and tools. It may be obvious and basic, but they are great reminders and terrific for anyone who needs and wants them.

Gratitude — so easy, yet so hard.

Breathe kindness.

Lots of tools to help with self growth and discovery.

Activities, essays, quotes — all great.

Love this.


So if you find yourself in need of activities, inspiration, a guide to wellness, self compassion, self care, I HIGHLY recommend these magazines full of ideas and care. Just little bits that help ever so slightly.

Fresh Deodorant

It’s almost DEJA VU because I write so much about deodorant (read here and here). That said, I haven’t found the perfect deodorant (total Goldilocks over here….). I use natural deodorant (almost exclusively Agent Nateur) but there are times that I need to use stronger stuff (like Secret… GASP) so I don’t sweat (and then smell).  Recently, when I was at a local boutique in Seattle, the salesperson told me that there are times she has to use a sorta natural deodorant — natural because it is alcohol free, but only sorta because it has aluminum in it. She says Fresh Sugar Deodorant is better than Secret, but worse than Agent Nateur, and is the perfect deodorant for those special situations. SO HAPPY.


Fresh sugar. Apparently, Sugar is a natural humectant that helps attract and seal in moisture. Who knew?

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Three Natural Deodorants

You know what makes me nervous and sweaty? Traveling across the country with two kids. YUP, that is what I am doing right about NOW! As you read this, imagine a dotted line somewhere between the Pacific and the Atlantic with the two kids swiping all the energy out of me and making me swear I will never fly again. Oh, and then add on the smell of my stinky sweaty armpits. Great, right? Except that the reality is that I am actually smelling AWESOME because I have three deodorants in the mix. YUP, three different natural, wholesome, non chemical deodorants. And all of them work. And I am obsessed with all three of them.


The lucky three

The lucky three! I have officially sworn off mainstream deodorants with antiperspirant

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