Homemade Granola Bars

As the self proclaimed Granola Queen (both in terms of the noun “granola” and the verb “granola”), I have played around with making granola bars. This granola bar is a winner. It takes under 30 minutes, requires no baking, has no sugar (unless you count honey and/or dates as sugar), and is delicious (obviously). MAKE ‘EM!




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* 1 cup pitted dates

* 1/4 cup honey

* 1/4 cup creamy nut butter (I used almond)

* 1 cup chopped nuts (I used hazelnuts, hands down my all time favorite nut)

* 1 1/2 cups rolled oats




Roast the oats for 10 minutes, just so they are a little brown and a tad bit crunchier.

Roast the oats for 10 minutes, just so they are a little brown and a little crunchy.

Blend (Pulse on vitamix) the dates.

Blend (Pulse on vitamix) the dates until you get a dough-like consistency. It should be fairly smooth.

Chop the nuts.

Chop the nuts. Pounding till you crush something feels rather nice…

In a bowl, combine the date puree, nuts, and mix.

In a bowl, combine the date puree, nuts, and mix.

Then add the oats, and mix with the dates / nut mixture.

Then add the oats, and mix with the dates / nut mixture. Combine.

On low heat, warm up the honey and nut butter. Mixing it together to combine and form one liquid.

On low heat, warm up the honey and nut butter, mixing it together to combine and form one liquid.

Pour it onto the oat mixture.

Pour the hot liquid onto the oat mixture and get ready to get your hands MESSY! Using your hands (easiest utensil), mush everything together. Mix well!

Add some oompph to it. I added white chocolate chips. Next time, cranberries.

Add some oompph to it. I added white chocolate chips. Next time, cranberries.

On a wax lined 8 by 8 dish, place the mixture on and flatten it.

On a wax lined 8 by 8 dish, place the mixture on and flatten it.

Store in a tightly sealed tupperware.

Store in a tightly sealed tupperware and refrigerate.

I mean, COME ON!

I mean, COME ON!

A perfectly rectangular, healthy, filling, and tasty snack.

A perfectly rectangular, healthy, filling, and tasty snack.


Seriously, this is my new go-to-snack and recipe. I love the sweetness (but not overly so), crunchy (but not breaking any teeth), rich (but still able to eat more of these bad boys, and dinner, too). It is like an old school peanut butter and honey sandwich, but with some hazelnuts and white chocolate. Have a great weekend!

Josie Girl


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