Chard Apple Salad

Made it to Oregon after an oops-where-is-the-airport-bathroom-uh-oh-kid-had-an-accident type of situation. That = unfun. Oregon = Green, calm, rainy forest (Oregon, didn’t you get the memo? I came out for SUMMER not Spring-Fall-Winter rain!). My mother is a cooking machine and since we are so many at the house, she is now a member of not one, but TWO CSA boxes. Yep, ladies and gentlemen, more greens and kale and chard and spinach than you can ever imagine. Wednesdays *and* Fridays! Not that I am complaining because there is nothing better than fresh farm vegetables, but my mother has to get creative with all the greens in the house. And this recipe (random concoction created by Nana Proskurowski) was unbelievable. So good that I had to recreate it the next day!





* Chard / kale / combination of both

* One onion

* One apple

* Some broccoli — obviously needed to be used up, but added some crunch, texture and variety

* Handful of hazelnuts

* Olive oil

* Lemon

* salt and pepper




Wash cut the kale. Take the main stem off, and then just chop the greens.

Wash and cut the kale. Take the main stem off, and then just chop the greens.

Dice the onion.

Dice the onion

Steam Broccoli.

Steam broccoli

Parent of the year = allow daughter to sit on kitchen island (probably near a big sharp knife) while cooking.

Parent of the year = allow daughter to sit on kitchen island (probably near a big sharp knife) while cooking. I probably deserve that sassy face. And my son is probably in the street playing in traffic.

Using a mortar and pestle, coarsely grind the hazelnuts.

Using a mortar and pestle, coarsely grind the hazelnuts.

Green greens

Green greens

Chop the apple

Chop the apple

Sautee the onions first, and then add all the other vegetables in the pan.

Sautee the onions first, and then add all the other vegetables in the pan

Stir the veggies as they wilt and cook.

Stir the veggies as they wilt and cook

Add the nuts

Add the nuts

Salt and pepper, squeeze lemon on top.

Salt and pepper, squeeze lemon on top.

Dinner is served! Perfect vegetarian - vegan - healthy dinner (especially for a Rabbit!)

Dinner (with a salad) is served! Perfect vegetarian – vegan – healthy dinner (especially for a rabbit!)

I am so excited for my summer of Nana’s cooking! Take a look at today’s delivery:


How beautiful are all the colors?

How beautiful are all the colors?


I would have no idea what to do with most of these vegetables — so Nana to the rescue! Stay tuned for more recipes. Until then, have a great weekend! Rumor has it that July is right around the corner. Who would have known with all this Oregon rain?

Josie Girl


  1. TOTALLY agree. Swiss chard does not get enough love. It is totally going to be the next in green. For sure

  2. your daughters facial expressions are precious!!!! that face is heartwarming…

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