Summer Grilling: Artichokes

Summer is here! While it may not say so on the calendar quite yet, the rush of heat and humidity in the Northeast definitely has the Josie Girl thinking of summer.   Long days, (stifling humidity), beach and swimming, (stinky garbage), and… grilling!

While most people associate grilling with burgers, hot dogs, and other various forms of meat, Ken and I emphasize vegetables just as much as meat and fish.  Grilled vegetables are simple, healthy, and incredibly flavorful.  Last summer, Ken decided to start grilling artichokes.  While more complicated and easier to mess up than other vegetables, when done correctly, grilled artichokes are impossible to beat. Without further ado, here is the Josie Guy… and a lot of pictures.  Enjoy!

Artichokes, washed under water. Cut off the bottom inch or inch-and-a-half of the stem...

See these spines? We don't like them. Cut off the top of each leaf with scissors...

.. and cut off the top of the entire artichoke with a knife (since you won't be able to cut off the tops of the top leaves with scissors)...

.. Prepwork is done. Artichokes are ready to go in the steamer...

... artichokes in the steamer. This is the hard part. I have done this anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the intensity of the steam. I think 45 minutes is safe. Better to oversteam than understeam, but if you steam too long, the artichoke will kind of fall apart on the grill. While you don't want to take off the lid too much, it is important to test leaves every now and then. Take the artichokes out when the leaves are a little softer than al dente. Yes, I acknowledge I am totally waffling on telling you what to do...

Cut the artichokes in half. Especially if they are on the "oversteamed" side, this can be a challenge. I pierce straight through the middle first (see picture), which helps you cut through the artichoke without having it fall apart...

Artichoke cut in half. See all of that pink stuff and fur? ....

Take a teaspoon snd scoop it out...

Cleaned up artichoke... nice...

Last step before putting the artichokes on the grill: brush with olive oil, and salt and pepper both sides aggressively. Remember people, salt tastes good. Don't be shy...

... Put the artichokes back down on the grill over medium-high heat... 10 to 15 minutes, or until you start seeing some good browning/blackening of the backside... Note the turkey burger sneaking onto the turf of the artichoke in the bottom right... To the people that freak out when your food touches a surface that other food has been on: I don't understand you...

Flip and cook on the front side for 5 minutes, or until you get some good blackening/browning of the front...

... gratuitous full grill shot... unfortunately, we didn't have room for my favorite: grilled onions..


Double bam! ... Enjoy! (Burgers not pictured)

Have a great weekend!

Josie Girl


    • They really are delicious. Takes a long time — so a treat on a special grilling night!

  1. Love the josiegirlblog! Love the artichokes on the grill! Thanks

  2. this looks so so good. Try grilling watermelon, it sounds weird but it is DELISH!

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