New Years Goals 2019

NOT SURE WHAT HAPPENED but those past two weeks went by in a flash / blur / second, and I didn’t post at all! OOPS! It is not that I didn’t have lots of down time — I did — but I chose just to sit instead of working….but now, I am back….and HELLLLLOOOOO 2019! Here we are!


2019, we see you, because, we are HERE.

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Sweet Noodle Kugel

Today is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year (Shana Tova!) Since I have the tendency to be bad at holidays (across all of our religions), this year, I decided I want to be more festive, and threw together a last minute holiday dinner with friends (4 Jewish-Catholic/Christian families… go figure!). One of the main traditional Jewish dishes is Noodle Kugel, something that is very Jewish but not something I ever grew up eating. I was looking for recipes on the internet when I decided to contact one of my old-time friends who I met when we were on a Teen Tour of Israel together. And sure enough, Heidi-ho got in contact with her mother (who just happens to be a chef!) and immediately sent over her go-to Sweet Noodle Kugel. Although it has been decades since I last saw Patty Padawer (can we talk about the awesomeness of her name), I remember her delicious food fondly. Talk about helpful — she saved the day — thank you SO much, Patty!


Not just any kugel, special and easy sweet kugel.

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New Years Goals 2017

Happy New Year! For whatever reason, this year, I felt ambitious and decided to come up with 17 resolutions (goals / to do list / aspirations) for 2017 rather than just 5 or 10. (I think I had time to think about it for 24 hours when traveling back from Asia on Friday!) Here they are:


Heading into 2017

Heading into 2017.. a dock in Palawan in The Philippines (more on our vacation to come!)


1. Give myself more credit. I am hard on myself and rarely acknowledge (and applaud) my own accomplishments and successes.


2. Accept (and love) my body for the way it is. Be kind to myself.

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