A List Of Things I Miss, Don’t Miss, Won’t Miss, and Won’t Forget

The other night while surfing the internet, I came across a piece written by The Man Repeller that really struck a chord with me. It was a simple list of things that she misses, doesn’t miss, won’t miss, and won’t forget — all of the feelings during the COVID pandemic that we are all currently facing. I loved it OH so much and so many of her items rang true for me, too. So I decided that, I too, in honor of Man Repeller’s thoughtful post (thank you!), I would sit down, reflect, and write similar lists. I know these are ever-changing, but these are the items that I came up with today:


Oh so true of this time — busy doin’ nothing.



* care-free happiness
* hugs and kisses from friends, human contact
* human connection
* Fred’s (pre Barneys RIP), ABCV, Ralphs, Kappa Masa, pizza
* the ease and ability of running errands to get anything and everything
* having places to go
* massages, nail salons, hair, SPOILED pampering I know




* kids’ drop offs and pick ups
* shuffling a bajillion kids around here and there, everywhere
* options and choices
* live sports
* taxis and horns and the hustle and the bustle
* crowded streets
* the old man runner in Central Park, the chicken truck man on my corner, the driver for the fancy neighbor — nonstranger strangers
* the subway




* the subway
* schlepping




* the phrase “the new normal”
* anxiety ordering groceries
* creative, healthy, family friendly meals times three times seven times infiniti
* the pit in my stomach every morning where I realize this is not a nightmare but a reality
* the questions, the unknowns, the inability to plan
* stranger’s looks of fear / hatred / concern as I pass by
* obsessively checking the nytimes and reading the headlines
* masks and gloves
* worrying about the future and realizing I have no control over it
* the inability to talk about anything other than COVID




* watching flowers and trees bloom from beginning to end
* my kids happiness wherever they are
* the friends that check in and call and support and love even from afar
* home is where the heart is
* DNice
* Watching The Office every night with the family


Simple pleasures — matching the flowers that weren’t there a week ago but are here today.


I would love to hear from any of you that have other things to add on to these lists. I have found that even just thinking about what I miss (or not) makes me so much more grateful and appreciative of these little things. In any case, Happy Mother’s Day, happy weekend, Happy soon birthday to my baby girl who turns 8 on Monday, and happy and healthy wishes to you all!

Josie Girl

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