MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! I found my newest go-to snack! Halfpop!
Partially popped, popcorn! Yep — air-popped kernels with tons of flavor. POP POP Halfpops!

Bags of deliciousness. Mega flavor, mega pop, mega snap!
These little nuggets are the modern 2013 version of corn nuts. A huge crunch made of air-popped corn (versus being fried or roasted) that comes in two different flavors: butter and sea salt or white cheddar cheese. And did I mention that they are made with all natural products? Can’t beat that.

Big bowl, little pops.

Halfpops in my wrinkly hand. :/
In addition to just simply snacking on them (warning, you can eat the whole bag in one sitting), they are delicious served on salads or on top of soups. Gives it an extra little POP and CRUNCH.

Up close.
You can find Halfpops at Eli’s in Manhattan, and throughout the Pacific Northwest (they were founded last year in Seattle). You can also buy them online (thank goodness). YOU. MUST. TRY. NOW. So find the store closest to you. You will for sure become a halfpop junkie.

Although it looks like a choking hazard, little girl loves them. So be it.
Party like it is 1999. xoxo
OMG, my teeth just cried. lol My dentist will be rich if I try these!
HAHAHA I swear that they don’t hurt your teeth!!!
Love your rings. Where are they from?
Aurora Lopez. Thanks!
I tried these. Like, don’t love.
Sorry to hear that. I don’t like, I LOOOOOOOOVE.
Wow never heard of these things, look interesting aha 😛
Check them out, they are beyond delicious (I just picked them up at the airport — get ready to see them in more places!)