UP by Jawbone

Part bracelet, part computer, the UP by Jawbone will blow your socks off. Just like the fitbit changed my life 2 years ago, this new little machine has revolutionized my understanding of my movement and sleep. And I can’t live without it. UP is a system that takes a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle by tracking your movement and sleep in the background, and delivering insight that keeps you moving forward.


Looks like a bracelet!

Looks like a bracelet!

In September, the New York Post wrote an overview of pedometer bracelets calling them the most “it” item of the season. To me, the UP band is the best (apparently Gwyneth thinks the same thing too)!


So chic and sleek.

Currently, there are three major pedometers on the market: UP, Fuel by Nike, and Fitbit Force. But UP doesn’t just track your steps… it also tracks length and quality of your sleep! It has a 10 day battery, is waterproof, has an idle alert, allows you to track your food and drink, and is really easy to sync with your phone. (I am also a huge jawbone supporter, with their innovative speakers). I have had the UP for over a month and can’t live without it.

petite machine.

Petite machine that comes in 3 sizes (small, medium and large) and in 8 colors (onyx, mint green, light grey, blue, navy blue, red, orange, and hunter green).

Color options.

Color options.

UP is designed to be worn all the time, and is so easy to slip it over your fingers and hand. When you need to charge the band, you simply take the cap off and connect it to a USB cord to your computer. To sync the data with your UP app on the iphone, you just put the sync port into the phone! At night, in order to sync your sleep, you simply touch the clasp which puts it into sleep mode.



Stylish looking clasp.

Stylish looking clasp.

Plug into the iphone.

Plug into the iphone.

Side view.

Side view.

Once the UP is synced with your phone, it tells you the number of steps you have taken, your sleep patterns, how they compare to your weekly total, etc….What does this information tell me? Well, I need to get more sleep and I am a good walker! How does this help me? It makes me want to get to bed earlier and make sleeping more of a priority.  Also, I know that living in NYC leads to a lot of walking (a pro for living in NYC!).

Daily graph

Daily graph

A look at my movement and sleep (my biggest problem is that I *ALWAYS* forget to log my sleep). Not that it is hard to press a button, but I forget. Hey, I *AM* blonde.

A look at my movement and sleep.

Yep, 6 hours with very little deep sleep, and lots of awake time, is apparently normal for me. And yep, 20K steps is also a daily average. One time, I made it to 30K! And yes, I am addicted to the number of steps I take.  I must or may not go for walks late in the day to get my number up.




What do you think — is it something that you want? Trust me, you don’t just want it, you NEED it. To buy it, go to amazon or apple or jawbone!

Josie Girl


  1. i have the up too. i like the walk-tracking part but i am a little skeptical about how well it tracks my sleep. but i love it!

  2. Excellent review on the Up by Jawbone. I have used Fitbit pedometers for coming up on 2 years this summer, and absolutely love them. I was considering getting the Force for my next model (had the Ultra, now have the One), but I don’t want to spend the $130 while I still have a pedometer that’s working perfectly. I think the bracelet models have come a long way, and are more stylish like the Up and not only serve a purpose as a pedometer, but also as a fashion staple.

  3. I am agree with you josh.Jawbone is a fashionable bracelet pedometer.My grandmother use it and also love it.

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