Broken Tart Cakes

In one of those cant-sleep-instagram-frenzy-rabbit-holes, I came across a bakery in Brooklyn with the most beautiful cakes; Broken Tart. I knew the minute I saw the cakes that (a) I needed to follow Broken Tart on instagram (b) I had to have a cake for Tusia’s 5th birthday party. The cakes are not only beautiful, magical, whimsical, and unique, but they are tasty and delicious. The perfect duo (pretty AND yummy).


The cake arrives in the perfect package.

The cake arrived in the perfect package. Who says not to judge a book by its cover?

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Healthy Carrot Pineapple Muffins

Morning! Last night, my hubba hubba husband was on HSN (Home Shopping Network) again representing Natori and selling perfume. Check it out here. Bravo!!!! And now, to the post…..Gwyneth Paltrow wins again! Her recipe for carrot pineapple cake (or muffins) is a champion winner. Hot dog, she sure knows what she is doing. These refined sugar-free and gluten-free carrot pineapple muffins are incredible — perhaps my favorite dessert recipe to date! Do me a favor and make these tasty desserts (or breakfast) today!


Final product.

Final product.

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