Currently Loving September 2024 Part 2

Almost October — last licks of summer (even though it is September). Here is what I am loving at the end of this month!


1. Funny Meme




2. Feeling of Fall


I love Fall — almost as much as Summer. And Spring. I love the foliage, the crispness, the colors.


3.  Snuggles with Stevie


Nothing makes me feel more loved than when I snuggle with my dog. I love her so much.


4. Personalized Dog Necklace


My friend’s dog recently passed away — and she made this necklace of him. I will find out all the details and pass them along to you all — in the meantime — I just love this.


5. Cheese Board


My first board! Cheese, fruit, nuts. I hosted some moms the other night and it was so fun to prepare all the food (but no one ate this plate — except for me a week later!)


6. Funny Meme Part 2


Hahaha also SO TRUE.


7.  Desserts from Fleming


Desserts from Fleming — we ordered four of them and they were all so delicious! Highly recommend!


8.  Floral Arrangements 


Went back to the flower market last week and made my own arrangements — takes longer (the schlep down there, the gathering, etc.) but it is hands down one of my favorite things to do and you can’t beat the freshness, quality and looks of homemade flowers!


9. Prada boots


Love these so much — have not purchased them but want to! I love them!


10. Lychee Martini


Lychee Martinis make everything better, right?



There you have it! What I am currently loving right now! Do share with me what you love!