One of my favorite events in the Big Apple is the New York City Marathon. There is a buzz, energy, and pride that fills the city air. I cry, I smile, I weep, and I am just so happy for all the runners and finishers! And this year, it fell the day after Halloween, making it a BIG weekend for kids and adults. A memorable, fun, and inspiring weekend.

Snow Fairy Princess and Hipster Batman brother. (Neither of the shoes are an official part of their costume).

Mandatory Halloween Photo.

No NYC Marathon for me this year, but I did do the 5K “Dash to the Finish Line” on Saturday to get in the spirit of the New York Marathon, and to tick off one of the 9 mandatory races to qualify for the 2016 marathon. There were 10,000 participants, from all over the world, who ran part of the marathon course, finishing off at the finish line. Super fast, easy, and nice run — my first 5K ever!

My bestie from college, Auntie Em, spent the weekend with us, which was great. Cruzzie and Tusia are obsessed ROYALLY with her, and barely paid attention to us all weekend. We love you!

Halloween night, Auntie Em and I got to have a double date with close friends of ours at ABC Kitchen. Ken had to attend a Black Tie event (solo) and had to give a speech (solo). We (thankfully) divided and conquered. And no, he didn’t really wear the mask.

Sunday morning, we had brunch with the kids and Auntie Em at Jack’s Wife Frieda in Soho. We rediscovered the love of driving early Sunday morning downtown and being able to park easily in the hippest neighborhoods in New York. Where should we eat next– would love suggestions! And don’t mind my outfit, I had every intention of working out on Sunday so wore my workout clothes all day in hopes that it would give me a free chunk of time to sweat. And the beautiful sweaters — my mother’s talent (amazing, right?)

Somehow in the packed weekend of trick-or-treating, 2 Halloween parties, races, marathon viewing, we also squeezed in some ice skating time.

Picture perfect.

We were able to watch the marathon a block away from our house. And man oh man, was it emotional and inspirational. Ken and I both teared up thinking about last year. We shouted, we cheered, we laughed, it is SO FUN EVEN BEING A CHEERLEADER.

Crowds at mile 25.5 of the 2015 New York City Marathon.

At 3 pm, when a big chunk of experienced runners were finished with the race, we went out to cheer people. It was such an incredible feeling yelling at everyone with their names or states or countries posted on their shirts. They would smile, cry, give high fives, and acknowledge that they heard you. I definitely got teary eyed… it is such a joy watching people fulfill their dreams.

The kids asked “Mama how do you know everyone’s name?” Ken and I both were shouting people’s names for a good solid hour. These are the people that needed the extra push or shove or shout.

And because we were waiting for one of our beloved and close friends, Drew, we were not leaving until we spotted him. So the kids got bored, and we bribed them with Peppa Pig to let us cheer till we saw him.

Love is all that matters. I counted many couples holding hands — young and old — walking, supporting running, and cheering each other on. I can’t wait to do more marathons — alone, with friends, and with my partner in life.
What a fun filled weekend. November, here we are, what a solid memorable weekend. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas and 2016. Thanks for letting me share these photos and stories with you. I am proud of my New York community, the runners, my friends, my family, and life for being so beautiful and rewarding!
Adorable family photos! Peppa pig always does the trick..
Your mom sure has a knitting talent and wonderful sense of color. Would she share the information on the pattern she used for those sweaters? I would love to try my hand at knitting one for my granddaughter.
Thank you.
Watching a marathon is the best, so inspirational and nearly as enjoyable as doing one yourself 🙂 I don’t know how you got so many great things into your weekend, looks like a great one and hope you enjoyed it.
Looks like it was a wonderful weekend! I want Zoe’s sweater in my size!!
What a good weekend! 🙂
Those customers are so adorable.
It makes me so happy that you pointed out your mom’s beautiful handiwork!