Parmesan Crisps / The New Potato

First of all, CHECK OUT THIS POST ON COOKING on The New Potato. Holy moly, it is an honor and a privilege to be featured side by side with my mother-in-law, my hubba husband, and my gorgeous little girl (who, if you asked me, stole the show)


The New Potato

SOOOOO, you know what is fitting? The most simple, straightforward, (slightly pathetic) version of a recipe on *this* blog. So enjoy! This might be the easiest “recipe” ever — but let me tell you, it rocks. Seriously, it will spice up your life and make you crave more salads, just because it adds a little pizazz and kick. And it is so beyond easy that it feels silly to call it a recipe, but nonetheless, here we go! Parmesan crisps!





Birds view (just trying to make this recipe seem more complicated than it actually is).

Birds-eye view (just trying to make this recipe seem more complicated than it actually is).


* Parmesan

* cayenne pepper




* On a hot pan, add some cheese, sprinkle some cayenne pepper, and let it sit for 60 seconds. The flip it over to the other side, let sit for 60 seconds, and voila! 2 minute cheese crisps!




Pepper sprinkle

Pepper sprinkle

Other side

Other side

Not that attractive, but who cares? It tastes good!

Not that attractive, but who cares? It tastes good!

Awesome addition to the salad. Heightens the salad experience.

Awesome addition to the salad. Heightens the salad experience.


Don’t you feel like a professional chef just looking through these pictures? I know, super easy. Can’t wait to make more of these charred pieces of cheese — my definition of heaven. Have a great weekend!

Josie Girl


  1. Yum! Haha, Kirk always jokes (as I pick off the burnt cheese edge of everything) that he just should fry me up some cheese and skip the rest. As a kid, we used to make “cheese cookies” by putting a piece of cheese on plate in micro until it got crispy like that.

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