Happy Spring Holiday(s)

Happy (belated) Easter! Happy (belated) Passover! Happy (belated) Spring! Some pictures from Pound Ridge of the holiday weekend!


As a typical 4 year old, Cruzzie decides to NOT listen to his papa, and throws the rocks into the pond regardless.

As a typical 4 year old, Cruzzie decides to NOT listen to his papa, and throws rocks into the pond regardless.

Almost 2, and already throwing mega-fits, this little cutie ALSO decides to not listen to her papa and (dangerously walks) on the rocks without supervision and shoes on.

Almost 2, and already throwing mega-fits, this little cutie ALSO decides to not listen to her papa and dangerously walks on the rocks with neither supervision nor shoes.

My two loves.

Two of my three loves



Proud of the two of them for finally both looking in the same direction.

Proud of the two of them for finally both looking in the same direction. So what if one eye is partially closed?

Playing in the Spring weather.

Playing in the spring weather

Little Matzah Cruz.

Little Matzah Cruz

As someone who grew up celebrating Passover instead of Easter, this whole "Easter Basket" thing was new to me....I decided to go for the more high brow / handmade / elegant basket vs. plastic and candy. Of course, I am sure the kids would have preferred crap to chicness, but....

As someone who grew up celebrating Passover instead of Easter, this whole “Easter Basket” thing is still new to me….I decided to go for the more high brow / handmade / elegant basket vs. plastic and candy. Of course, I am sure the kids would have preferred presents to chicness, but….

The Hazel bunny rabbit was a huge success.

The Hazel bunny rabbit was a huge success

Little lights for the kid's room.

Little lights for the kids’ room

Me and the kids at the golf club. We had a lovely brunch (Cruzzie asked me why I was wearing a dress. I told him to look nice. And his response was "it is a lovely dress, mama."

Me and the kids at the golf club. We had a lovely Easter brunch (Cruzzie asked me why I was wearing a dress. I told him to look nice. And his response was “it is a lovely dress, mama.”)

Ken and his look a like kids.

Ken and his look a like kids (and flies)

The Natori family.

The Natori family

Easter egg hunt. Cruzzie asked if there would be toys in the eggs as he wanted toys instead of candy. SNOB.

Easter egg hunt. Cruzzie asked if there would be toys in the eggs as he wanted toys instead of candy. SNOB.

Toosh was scared of the Easter Bunny and threw herself on the couch and wanted nothing to do with the egg hunt or the easter bunny.

Toosh was scared of the Easter Bunny and threw herself on the couch and wanted nothing to do with the egg hunt or the Easter bunny.

Lots of eggs! Hooray!

Lots of eggs! Hooray!

Thank you for letting me share these photos! I hope you had a great Holiday weekend — celebrating any, both, or none of the holidays! Have a terrific week!

Josie Girl


  1. you have SUCH a beautiful family! looks like you all had a wonderful holiday!

  2. omg, i love this family. cruzzie’s comment about 1) your dress is so sweet (hello mama’s boy and 2) about toys > candy shows he did not get your sweet tooth. xo

  3. Love the photos and the captions. Totally agree with Emma about your little mama’s boy. Love you.

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