Fall 2020 Running Playlist

Like all of you, I have been on pins and needles waiting for the election results….I have not been productive and not sure what I have done, but the days have FLOWN by….and so here we are at the end of the week. So it seems like a great time to have a fluffy post of songs I am currently loving, rather than a heavy and heartfelt post on how I feel the country is divided and my fears for the future….so here it is: Fall 2020 Running Playlist. Get outside and enjoy these tracks.


Early morning runs.

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Summer 2019 Running Playlist

Yes, I run a lot, but it is during the Summer months that I do my hardest training and running. My light schedule, the perfect Oregon weather, and upcoming Fall marathon makes these months the perfect time to run hard. Here is my summer 2019 running playlist:


Running in Oregon is ideal: beautiful non humid weather and incredible views on every twist and turn. Yesterday, on my long run, I had the privilege of running along the Willamette River….

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End of Summer Workout Playlist

Here we are again….another workout playlist (you can’t have too many!) And yes, more music for yet another marathon….Enjoy!


Running with this playlist kinda makes me feel like I am a little kid chasing after a kite (picture from Early August 2015 of Cruzzie at the Oregon Coast).

Running with this playlist kinda makes me feel like I am a little kid chasing after a kite (picture from early August 2015 of Cruzzie at the Oregon Coast).


End of Summer 2015 Workout Playlist

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