You Are Loved Bracelets

In one of my online middle of the night scrolls, I discovered You are Loved — a Swiss designer creating fun, easy, and beautiful bracelets. I love them so much and now they are my go-to-present and just ordered a slew more to put in my gift closet (I always like having gifts on hand). They are the perfect addition to any outfit as they are bright and cheery.


Three beads on fabric. So simple, yet genius.

Cute packaging.

How they arrive.

I love all the little touches.

On my wrist.

With my watch.


To buy, go here. To follow on social media, go here. I love them because they are simple, inexpensive, but add some fun and flair to any look. Happy Monday!

Venessa Arizaga Bracelets

I have a friend who always wears the most fun, quirky, and playful jewelry. Everything she wears, I want to copy  / steal (imitation = sincerest form of flattery) and this time around, I copied her exactly and got the same bracelet from Venessa Arizaga. (Thank you!) And look how FUN and COOL and PLAYFUL it is? I feel like I am 14 years old… youthful and whimsical.


Do you get it??? And yes, I am a bombshell in birkenstocks. #obvi

Focus on the middle one with the words.  Do you get it??? And yes, I am a “bomb-shell” in birkenstocks. #obvi

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Lapland Bracelets

Scandinavia not only produces beautiful people and unbelievable weddings, but also amazing products. One of my favorite accessories is its Lapland bracelet. Lapland, inhabited by the Sami people (the only indigenous people of Scandinavia), is a region in northern Fennoscandia, stretching across Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Its bracelets are the best!


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