
This coleslaw is a great side dish for a summer evening. Crisp, crunchy, light, and tart. And best part: NO MAYONNAISE!




* Head of cabbage

* 5 sprigs of parsley

* 1 green onion

* 1 red or white onion

* salt

* juice from a lemon

* juice from a lime

* 3 tablespoons of olive oil


* Take off the outer leaves of the head of cabbage, then quarter the cabbage (easier to cut into thin slices after this first step).

Head of cabbage. Just like with everything, the better quality the ingredients, the better the recipe. In this case, this fresh head of cabbage was from the box of veggies from the CSA and it was absurdly delicious.

Head of cabbage. Just like with everything, the better quality the ingredients, the better the recipe. In this case, this fresh head of cabbage was from our CSA and it was absurdly delicious.

* Chop the cabbage.

Chop, chop, chop

Chop, chop, chop

* In a large mixing bowl, place the chopped cabbage aside.

Big bowl.

Big bowl.

* Chop the parsley, green onion, and white/red onion. Add to the big bowl of cabbage.

Parsley adds some green and bitterness.

Parsley adds some green and bitterness.

* For the dressing, take the juice from the lemon and lime, olive oil, salt, and whisk together.

Lemon and lime.

Lemon and lime.

Piled on.

Piled on.

Whisk together the dressing.

Whisk together the dressing.

* Pour the dressing atop of the greens, and let sit for the cabbage to soak in the juice. Serve!

Mix all together, yummers.

Mix all together, yummers.

Enjoy! So easy and so cool and crisp! Have a great weeeknd.

Josie Girl


    • It is a week since this post (and since I last ate the coleslaw) and I want to make it now! That good…

  1. Yummy! Perfect dish for me as I hate Mayo and love salad!! Have a great weekend JG 🙂

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