Summer 2018 Greece

In late June, we were fortunate to spend a week of vacation with my inlaws in Greece, my first trip there in 20+ years. As the kids and I had just come off a week of cultural visits (in Paris), we used our time in Greece to rest and relax. Despite the fact that Greece is full of a rich history, we were located in a remote part of the mainland of Greece and didn’t travel outside of the resort (except for one day where we were on a boat). We fell in love with Greece — the resort was absolutely DIVINE and I hope that we will be returning again soon. And of course, next time, we will have to check out more cultural sites as well as many of the islands.


Everything about the hotel was perfection. Absolutely perfect. This is where we ate breakfast every morning overlooking the ocean and mountains.

The hotel was located at the top of the hill, 6 kilometers away from the beach. There was a beach club (and pools) at the beach that most everyone else took a shuttle to get to. But since we are #Hardcore and #TigerMom, we hiked there every morning. Although long and tiring, it was absolutely incredible and it made us appreciate the scenery that much more (says the mom).

Our villa had our own little pool. It was actually much bigger in person (this looks like a bathtub in the picture) and the kids loved skinny dipping in it every night.

The incredible view.

No fighting on our hikes.

We are not very good at sitting still, and even when we were on the beach we found ourselves very active. We paddleboarded, kayaked, swam, explored, etc…

Rocky beach.

Greek salad every day.

We took a boat one day to Hydra where we explored the island. I love this old cobblestoned road, the door, and of course the little girl rocking her bathing suit.

Family photo.

We rode donkeys too. When in Rome….

Sass on our hikes.

My absolute favorite dessert in the world. When I was pregnant with both kids, I craved gazpacho and baklava…..

Absolutely incredible sunsets. Late (930 PM) and mindblowingly beautiful.

Thanks to my inlaws for the perfect week away!


Sorry to spam everyone with vacation photos — we have been traveling a lot this summer, so thanks for letting me share. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful July week! Before you know it, GASP, it will be August. And then I will be crying at the fact that summer is almost over….

Josie Girl


  1. What is the name of the resort? We are thinking of a trip to Greece and this looks amazing.

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