Josie Natori Wireless Spectrum Day Bra

As a loyal fan of the Natori Feathers Bra, I rarely deviate. The Feathers bra fits perfectly, feels great, and looks good — so there has never been a need to get anything else! But recently, I decided to try on the Josie Natori Spectrum Day bra — a wireless soft unlined bra — that has been receiving rave reviews. Love! So if anyone ever wants a change from Feathers (because we all know that that is the #1 bra currently out)…I highly recommend this bra!


No wires! Very pretty.

No wires! And very pretty.

Trying to show you all what the bra looks like without overly exposing me and my body

Trying to show you all what the bra looks like without overly exposing me and my body


Thickness — not that thick, the perfect weight.

Fun straps, bizarre picture.

Fun straps, bizarre picture.

Lacey cup.

Lacey cup.

Good to wear whenever you don't want to wear a bra with wires, or perfect to layer on top of and show a little straps.

Perfect wireless solution

Artistic back.

Artistic back.

Up close and personal

Up close and personal


This day bra is oh-so-sexy and doubles as a chic layering item — the double back cross over straps makes it more fun and unusual than a typical bra. Super comfortable, beautiful, and easy-peasy — what else can you ask for in a bra?  Click here to shop.

Josie Girl


  1. I love lacey detail on the cups. I think this would be perfect for layering and it like how it still looks like it has support, even though it’s wireless. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. My favorite part of the bra is the artistic back! Very chic! Looks very comfy too.

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