Mexico – Spring Break

Hola, amigos! The kids and I had a great time with my parents in Mexico (Bucerias, outside of Puerto Vallarta) last week, and are now on part deux of vacation with my beloved husband and his parents in Puerto Rico. One spanish speaking place to the next, (but Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean)! As I am still on vacation mode (= no downtime away from kids, and when kids are in bed, I collapse), instead of a full post, here are 5 photos that give you a good feel of Mexico. Enjoy the brightness, color, and look!


Day 1 Yellow wall.

Day 1 Yellow wall.

Sporting sunglasses.

Sporting sunglasses.

Hands off the bucket.

Hands off the bucket.

The three of us. And no judgements about Cruzzie's awesome socks and birkenstocks.

The three of us. And no judgements about Cruzzie’s awesome socks and birkenstocks. I love his style. And yes, behind the bucket, Toosh is probably not wearing anything but undies. That girl loves wearing only undies.

With Tata.

With Tata. (Nana somehow missed our daily series of yellow wall photographs).


And yes, I have about 50 different poses against the yellow wall (which is the wall of the garden of my uncle’s house where we stayed….it was not just any normal wall, although even had it been a normal wall, we would have gone there each day to take photos. How could you not with the color and VA VA VOOM VIVA MEXICO look?) Thanks to my wonderful, generous, fun, loving, incredible parents for our week together. We miss you so much and can’t wait for 4 hours of dominos / UNO per day everyday this summer. Have a great week!

Josie Girl


  1. AH I just felt a nice moment of warmth, thank you now back to reality of 23 degrees in NY…

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