NYC Marathon- Here We Come!

Big announcement from the Natori Family — Ken and I are running the 2014 New York City Marathon! November 2nd — just a little over one month away! We are both excited, nervous, energized, inspired, and motivated to run. After a full summer of runs out in the Pacific Northwest, we agreed that this was the year to do it. And…. the couples that run together, stay together! Inspired by Joanna, and her fight for life, we are running on behalf of Team In Training, a charity benefiting research for Leukemia and Lymphoma. We both feel moved and committed to run to raise money on behalf of the life and memory of our dear friend and family member. Joanna gave it all she got, enduring chemo, radiation, hospital life, isolation, pain, and discomfort. Running 26.2 miles is nothing in comparison. So we are doing this for Joanna.


A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to run the NY Marathon 18 mile Tune Up Race. It was exhilarating. Great race! It helped that I made a friend on the course, Stephanie. STEPHANIE — where are you? Who are you? I don’t know your last name and want to find you!


We are so excited to run for Team in Training to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma research

So there you have it, friends. We are running! A huge shout out to so many of our friends who have already donated and contributed to our cause. We are SOOOOOO appreciative of every cent, dollar, ounce of encouragement, positive vibes, and love that is pouring in from every direction — city, country, and friendship link. It has been an amazing process to feel the love and support — both in Joanna’s memory and spirit, as well as for Ken and my adventure. Of course, no extra pressure, but we would love any help we can get from you, too — whether it is donating to our cause or cheering for us and our TNT teammates on race day, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much! And now, we just need to continue staying healthy and fit for race day.

Josie Girl


  1. good luck! that’s amazing. best of luck. my friend ran and said it was the most amazing experience of her life.

    • Thanks so much. Thinking about the crowds and the support makes me giddy. I am so excited.

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