Scandinavian Obsession

My obsession with Scandinavia continues! Brooklyn, Portland, and Scandinavia = creative, hip, modern, and IT places. Here are my current top Scandinavian food finds.

Kalles Kaviar

Kaviar in a tube!

Kaviar in a tube!

Totally sounds disgusting — caviar in a tube??? — but it is so delicious and out of this world. A Swedish delicacy that has been served to children and parents alike, for hundreds of years. As a daughter of parents who met and married in Sweden, this blue tube of fish-roe is something that I grew up eating. You squeeze it on toast, eggs, sandwiches. A great fishy, salty taste that makes you feel like you are living in Sweden.

Lingonberries Jam



Sweet, tangy, and just the right texture and consistency. Love spreading this jam on toast, eating it on oatmeal, or scooping it into yogurt. Just the right amount of sweetness to remind me of Swedish pancakes. You can find this jam at many gourmet grocery stores — and I highly suggest you find it soon!

Smash Chocolate





finger licking good

finger licking good

I discovered this candy on my August trip to Norway — and it is so amazing that I bought several bags in the airport en route back to NYC. But now, it is October, and all the candy is gone. I am so depressed because this was the best candy I have ever eaten. This Norwegian invention consists of salted corn cores covered by milk chocolate. It is the perfect combination of salt & sweet and light & crisp. I need to go back to Norway *JUST* to stock up on this candy (and also visit the land of the Beautiful people).

Is it just me, or do you ever get obsessed with a country and everything it makes? If so, what country do you love and what are the products? Although I am loyal to Scandinavian countries (and French designers), I am willing to try new things and new places.

Josie Girl


  1. A friendly amendment: _OP_ aquavit (there are many variaties).

    My favorite candy: “Daim” chocolate covered caramel. Heja Sverige!

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