Marriage is about compromise. There are some things that Ken and I share naturally together. Waking up early. Working out. Being adventurous. There are others that we don’t.
Ken grew up an avid professional sports fan. His family had Jets season tickets for 25 years, and when we first moved to New York, he always tried to get me to go to a game with him and his friends. I somehow always found a way out. It wasn’t that I was totally against it (as long as the weather was warm). For some reason, it just never happened (including the time when we were about to go and I slammed my hand in a glass door and had to go to the hospital. Ken still went to the game.)
The Yankees are a) closer to Manhattan, and b) not an all day commitment. So with thanks to Natori’s factors who gifted us tickets, we recently went to a game. And it was great fun!

Arriving at the ballpark. For those of you non-sports fans, this is the "new" Yankee Stadium, which the Yankees moved to in 2009. It is right next to site of the old Yankee Stadium, which was demolished after the last game there in 2008.

Gorgeous spring night. That is me in the green hoodie. Strategically positioned so you can't see my enormous pregnant belly.