How to Make a Flower Chain

There is nothing more summery to me than a flower chain — fresh weeds / flowers picked from a meadow AND the time to just make a flower chain. I love it.


Any time I find a field with flowers, I just CANNOT NOT (yes double negative) stop to make a flower chain.

Ok, so how do you do it. STEP 1 is the most tedious. Pick lots of flowers. The longer the stem, the better.

Then, the first part, you just start a braid. Yes, it is that simple. You braid them together.

And as you braid, you add more flowers in — just like you would do a french braid.

Caught in the act.

This took 3 minutes. Once you get the hang of it, it just flows all together.

Do you see the backside — the braid?

This was the main attraction — a building from the 1st century (yes 1st century). It was beautiful, just like the flowers.

I like to do them for center pieces.

Like this!

On the table.


I also love to make them into flower wreaths. Happy flowers, happy summer! More next week — have a great weekend.

Anika Yael Natori, aka, The Josie Girl

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