MUJI Embroidered Socks

Three of my favorite things all combined together: socks, embroidery and MUJI! In recent months, a new MUJI opened nearby, which is the store that carries my all time favorite pens and umbrellas. So naturally, I went to pop in and see what other goodies they carry. Of course, I became even more excited when I found out that they have an embroidery station on site. This embroidery service allows customers to choose from over 300 embroidered designs and letters to add to any of the brand’s clothing or textile items. I chose socks — and as geeky as it sounds — I couldn’t be happier. But you could pick anything! Backpacks, fannypacks, jackets, bags, shirts, anything and everything. SO FUN!


Colors, font, pictures — so many options to choose from! I went with just my name. A little pop of humor and fun to my everyday outfit.

Cutesy little short socks with my name. Believe it or not, they had the socks done later that day!

Didn’t they turn out great?


And the best part of it all? THE SOCKS COST 3 DOLLARS AND THE EMBROIDERY COST 3! So each sock was 6 dollars — which is a steal these days. If I am organized enough going forward, I want to make this my go to present to people. Birthday? Personalized socks. Thank you? Personalized socks. Baby? Personalized socks.

Josie Girl


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