Wednesday Post-Cinco-de-Mayo

I FEEL LIKE I DRANK TEN SHOTS OF TEQUILA LAST NIGHT! HUNG OVER! In reality, I am still recovering from our weekend and was in my pajamas by 6:15 pm.  We did nothing for Cinco-de-Mayo (my favorite holiday). But still, my head feels fuzzy….


EXACTLY! Follow @fuckjerry on instagram for belly laughs.

EXACTLY! Follow this guy on instagram (earmuffs!) for belly laughs.

I post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This morning when I woke up, I realized I had NOTHING finished to post.  First time in over 3 years due to our crazy schedule recently! It has been one of those weeks — a jam packed (I prefer “jammed pack”) weekend at Stanford catching up with amazing people, no sleep, too much food and (some booze), and a red-eye home on Sunday night into a full Monday; a childhood friend who passed away with memories flooding; doctors visits and x-rays because of my nagging hip and nose infection; and everyday responsibilities of being a mother and a tutor. Last night, I had a bowl of cereal for dinner…..that type of a week. Here are my random photographs from the past weekend — didn’t really bring my camera anywhere, so pardon the randomness.


We took the 6 am flight out on Friday morning (after our son's school's benefit the night before). So what is better than eating a big pile of french fries immediately after the flight. At 10 am.

We took the 6 am flight out on Friday morning (after our son’s school’s benefit the night before). So what is better than eating a big pile of french fries immediately after the flight. At 10 am.

YUP, In N Out. Animal style with Raw onions is Ken's go-to-order.

YUP, In N Out. Animal style with Raw onions is Ken’s go-to-order.

So good, and yet so painful on the belly.

So good, and yet so painful on the belly.  Once again, this is 10:30 AM in the morning on Friday straight from SFO.  And we were both sick.  Ergo, the pained look.

The Stanford Dish walk. Best walk / hike ever.

The Stanford Dish walk. Best walk / hike ever.

Reminds me of Africa. Except with millionaires and tech companies everywhere.

Reminds me of Africa. Except with millionaires and tech companies everywhere.

Hoover Tower. Believe it or not, I went to the top once during my grad school experience. It wasn't that tall.

Hoover Tower. I went to the top once during my grad school experience. It wasn’t that tall.

Yellow flowers in the sunshine. I got crap from friends that this picture would not turn up, but it did. And it just gives an overall feel of California. DAMN, I miss that place.

Yellow flowers in the sunshine. I got crap from friends that this picture would not turn up, but it did. And it just gives an overall feel of California. DAMN, I miss that place.

Pre Cinco de Mayo guac (so good, just avocado, shallots, lime juice, and salt). DELISH.

Part of our Sunday celebration before returning to NYC on the red-eye (with our friends who hate the internets).  Pre Cinco de Mayo guac (so good, just avocado, shallots, lime juice, and salt). DELISH.


So, happy Wednesday everyone! And welcome to Summer in NYC where the temperatures are already in the 80s and we are all sweating and huffing outside.  To our Stanford friends/classmates:  thanks for an amazing weekend.  You are inspirational and we miss you.

Josie Girl


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