Grizzlie’s Granola

Best Granola Ever. I am addicted and obsessed with granola and this is HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE brand. No other type of granola comes close to this heavenly bowl of goodness! For the past several years (at least 5 years, or even more!), my dear mother in Eugene, Oregon, has been sending me boxes of this granola from the bin in our local grocery store (which is ten times better than any Whole Foods) to New York City. I never knew that it was sold elsewhere! Until I found it in a random Korean Deli Store in Upper Manhattan. It was startling, exhilarating, and life changing! Grizzlie’s Granola — Aunt Maple’s Crunchy Granola — the best of the best.


Heaven in a bag

Heaven in a bag

Aunt Maple's

Aunt Maple’s

Made in OR

Made in OR, which made this Oregonian very happy to see.


But lo and behold, this tiny little grocery store in NYC was selling the bag of granola for $13.99.  Um, WHHHAAATTT? Of course, that did not stop me from buying it (a girl’s gotta eat), and it allowed me to find the information to call them up and order it for myself directly (no more middle man needed, thanks Mama and the expensive grocery store).


Say what?

Say what?




Nutz and raisins


If you want to taste perfection, then go to the website and purchase a bag or two or five. Unbelievably delicious, filling, satisfying, and the right combination of sweet and nuts. Have a great weekend!

Josie Girl


  1. You are definitely the authority on granola so I’ll give it a shot… thanks for the lead!

  2. I actually ordered the Blackberry Farm granola based on your post from a few years ago!

  3. Hey Josiegirl, my name’s Audrey, from Eugene, Oregon, and I work at Grizzlie’s! There might even be a chance that I made or packaged your order. 🙂
    Thank you so much for your business and the positive reviews! As a local business that feels we represent the values and spirit of the community, it really means a lot!
    So thanks again for giving us a shout-out on your wonderful blog, and happy munching! 🙂

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